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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. He has to pander to his base.
  2. To put this in perspective, IF Darnold had the same 4 turnovers and still won the game, the media would be slobbering over the dude. The media will never stop treating the Bills like the NFL's bottom feeders, even if they won the SB, the media would spend their time talking about how the other teams deserved it more, the other teams beat themselves, the Bills got lucky in a horrible NFL down year, etc etc etc
  3. Francesa is going nuts now, bashing Allen, teehee... he's completely triggered... Allen was "atrocious"...most inaccurate starter in the world....lololol They "let him hang around".... gives props to the defense...
  4. yea time to cut the grass
  5. or as Joe calls him.. Donald Hump...
  6. As a bonus .....STORMY IS BAAAACK!!!
  7. Agree 100%, nothing but a good ol boy network, they will be obviously guilty, get little more then hand smacks that will hardly last more than one news(lol) cycle, ultimately all of them will write books and/or join cnn and make a bundle.
  8. I'd quit the NFL first. I mean c'mon really, the Jets????
  9. Anything done against Trump is completely legal.
  10. Yawn. No surprise. Nothing will happen to anyone. The magician has all the sheeple bleating angrily looking at one hand, while the other is selling the US down the river.
  11. A friend of mine literally defends China and Iran because he despises Trump so much. Lol, that's like dc tom saying nice stuff about tibs because it trolls a poster he doesn't like.
  12. Here's news you won't hear from cnn or the lyin' left... DOJ: 64 Percent of All Federal Arrests in 2018 Were Non-Citizens
  13. It's a perfect storm, recession, Sean Spicer on DWTS and Sarah Sanders to FOX !!!!!!!
  14. tee hee....It couldn't just be a Jew giving his opinion, could it.
  15. Ah, I love the smell of lefty desperation in the morning.
  16. Forget age, can they be any more white ? yikes.
  17. /clap clap ... dems must be starting to get that thrill up their leg, this time, again, ITS HAPPENING!!!!!
  18. During the September 11 attacks of 2001, 2,977 people were killed (excluding the 19 hijackers) ... It has been reported that over 1,400 9/11 rescue workers who responded to the scene in the days and months after the attacks have since died Terrible pos racist troll.
  19. You ought to know since you seem to be inspired by the hate and rhetoric of the nutjob far left. And then accuse everyone else of the very thing you're doing. Neat trick.
  20. I see the people pushing the Russian collusion monster bedtime story have now smoothly transitioned to the murderous racist white male monster story.
  21. Chris Matthews: Obama Presidency ‘So Thrilling’ — It’s ‘Still Thrilling to Me’ Seriously, did I miss something?
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