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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. I'm beginning to think that the guy you're talking to is another one of of tibs alias...just a hunch
  2. And yet, you're here reading it, getting triggered about it, and whining about it. tee hee
  3. There will be a folding table genocide in Buffalo if the Bills winmy prayers will be with them ======================================================== Optimistic? About what? A sale on Dildos at at the local sex shop? ========================================================== I think the Bills have been pretty bad so far. ======================================================== Nobody drinks more than Bills fanThey sober up around Wednesday to get ready for Thursday night. ====================================================== The Billiards are the WORST 3-0 team in the HISTORY of the NFL. ============================================================ Lol, these guys are something else. One day soon the party will be over.
  4. A little off topic, Francesca on WFAN, after ripping JA the last 2 weeks, calling him the most "inaccurate QB on the planet" among other negative things... yesterday was talking up Daniel Jones...and said a sign of a good QB is taking the team down the field for the score when it counts, doesn't care about how many passes he threw or missed...man, I never realized how much of a hypocrite Mike is.
  5. Why are you so triggered about something you don't have to read? You know, the ignore function is free. Not sure why there are a subset of people out there policing the internet and preaching about someone else's opinions. It's not like anyone here is pushing their opinions while with a straight face calling it 'news'.
  6. lol i think giants are jets are really bad teams...
  7. You mean like a partisan whistle blower with second hand knowledge that someone said something? that's a nice tight closed and shut case... no gaping chasm there amirite The gaping chasms are these accusations that keep coming and disappearing as quickly with zero actual evidence of anything ...in perfect unison, story comes, lingers for a bit, and just as it dies another one pops with impeccable timing.
  8. Um...porn star, get it right Jon...sheesh
  9. Personally I don't think its ugly - it's just unnecessary. Trump should just chill out, negotiate with China, and let his leftist campaign team do all the work for 2020.
  10. Really, you can't blame the left for all these made up nonsense attacks on Trump, they have to do something to keep attention off the putrid mess of the democrat presidential nominees.
  11. Nah, he's just doing it to troll you. Thought you guys would be at least smart enough to grasp that yet.
  12. It's finally happened ...the left er boy who cried wolf has cried too many times... Shrug, maybe you can start typing in caps to simulate screaming to kick it up a notch?
  13. No one will, a lot of them have different levels of their own senility and dementia and the more normal ones are scared to death to do that out of fear of retaliation of some sort. Nice party, those Democrats.
  14. That's the sound i imagine when i read a tibs post
  15. I doubt you believe or care about the crap you spew
  16. Eli may not throw more than 10 x today...got a horrible feeling SB is going to break some record today
  17. Bringing records players back into fashion !
  18. He's hiding those crazy eyes pretty good
  19. pfft ....Mccabes punishment will probably be similar to Juiciees... 2 years of community service as a CNN correspondent
  20. No, you can make it up, that's what democrats do on a daily basis, mold BS into their reality.
  21. You mean you, msnbc, cnn, and bob. Oh, i forgot yahoo(lol, yahoo) You guys are so upset you wake up hoping something bad happens. Carrying that much anger is not good.
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