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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. HAHAHAHAHA....this is the sheer definition of delusional daydreaming, funniest post ever. tibs, that you...again
  2. The democrats are once again acting like monkeys in a cage, jumping up and down, running around, screaming and throwing crap. Let them have their fun. The rest of of us are onto New England.
  3. Why not ask them to investigate Joe, surely, no one here in America is going to do it.
  4. You democrats are so bitter...do you whip yourselves in your off time?
  5. ....democrats will start an impeachment hearing about it
  6. This is wrong. Trump is the one corrupting our institutions and acting counter to our republican values No, no it isn't No, you're wrong, for whatever reason you lurk here spewing your non stop TDS drivel, reading your posts reminds me of watching a mentally challenged homeless person acting weird on a street corner, it's both funny and sad at the same time. Not sure what your trying to accomplish here but you don't give one *&^& about the country.
  7. Country is the most important part, lefties are so caught up in their irrational hatred the only thing that matters to them is Trump, damn the scorched earth it leaves in their wake.
  8. And he'll tease you, he'll unease you All the better just to cheese you He's so bogus, he's knows just what it takes to push rubbish He tells Jerry Nadler's standoff lies He's got Adam Gase's eyes
  9. Yep, that's the 'truth not facts' bit that Joe, and tibs and company go by
  10. yawn. and if i mentioned Obama or Hillary you would whine about what about isms. You lunatics have been arm flapping and making asses out of yourselves for three years. 11 Senate Republicans join DEMs and vote to end Trump’s border wall emergency funding… Complete derangement, hating a president so much the vile hatred making the country a weaker place. golf clap.
  11. You're still at it? I think everyone has moved on.
  12. Lolololol...more Alinsky......... lil Adam Schiff calls the phone call a mafia shakedown... That's exactly what the democrat party has been doing to Trump since before he became president.
  13. The democrats are completely out of gas. mic drop.
  14. I have to give it you, at least you came back here today. Has to be tough swallowing this.
  15. We should blindly believe a partisan snitch who heard the info second handed without question tho amirite?
  16. I'm going to go with you on this, Rudy is just painful to watch.
  17. Wow. What are you in third grade? shouldn't you guys be in school?
  18. It will be quiet now for awhile while the reds figure out how to spin this and send their useful idiots out to spread the new message.
  19. Why is this coming through as second hand information? Can we get the person who heard the conversation to testify? Is this really where we are now in our country? If this second hand snitching/auto guilty nonsense is happening to the president it can happen to anyone. All the democrats who are showing fake concern for our country (as a cover to their TDS) should be far more concerned about this. It's creating a snitch culture, and it's terrifying.
  20. Too bad the story isn't as tight as Nancy's face....you guys would be all set...
  21. Republicans have no balls. they will cower in the corner too fearful of losing their lucrative gig.
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