Lol.... the trolls have once again been reduced to the gay innuendos, attacks on his family, and the name calling
against Trump because their impeachment fantasy has crashed and burned.
The polifact site is not facts...many of those facts are just manipulation and the exaggerated use of words, not much different
what they are accuse Trump of.
ap. lol.
When is shifty shiff firing off today's ied
The explosive bombshells yesterday were so damaging !!
uh oh.. n s a may be kicking in my door before the day is done now
cnn said it not me just repeating what a i heard!
For the one track minded morons its nothing but Trump...for the rest of us it could be any president
that stands up for the nation against these leftist deranged bullies.
If you guys would put that shift eating troll on ignore and stop quoting him
he would crawl back into the hole he came from.
He is truly a sick individual.
Also the authorities should do a health check on him and make sure
he has no weapons.