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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. This game is all on the D, the pats offense is on tonight, these guys look like they are going to score every drive
  2. i sense another in a long line of ass whuppings upcoming here
  3. hate this bs pressure all over allen and brady has all day what else is new
  4. pats offense is moving the balls with ease, fg''s aint cutting it today
  5. of course, edelman.
  6. Bart Scott + Maggie show is AWFUL to listen to on WFAN. Can't wait for Joe and Evan to take over the afternoon show.
  7. They are idiots, they didn't plan beyond their ceremonial cultist vote night celebration. I bet that night they also sacrificed a lamb backstage.
  8. Something just isn't right with this lady.
  9. .....or a deuce someone in nasty nancy's district just dropped in a super market.
  10. So very telling that both gar and tibs fallback is always some gay innuendos.
  11. Without the media cheerleaders, this sham impeachment could never have been pulled off If the media wasn't biased the whole thing would have been shredded long ago.
  12. No heads up for nasty nancy? huh
  13. Next years version should have them good? I have been boycotting buying madden until a good bills team hits. They weren't that hot the 9-7 year either. Unfortunately I'm still playing madden 2000
  14. I'm scratching my head at why Mitch announced his plans of a fast acquittal... Playing chess? or couldn't resist trolling not realizing that she might threaten to not send it over? Something else?
  15. LOL...the scary part is there are dimwits out there asking if the president is still in the white house... I wonder how many democrats are completely uninformed to that point are out there are roaming around... reminds me of George Romero's Night of the living dead.
  16. You are literally the Trump of PPP ... driving the ppp squad crazy.... Pretty hilarious to watch. Of course its probably only tibs and his multiple personalities.
  17. If the other half of of the people had any brains, they should be very scared too. To paraphrase a line from the Irishman, If they could do this to a president, they could do it to anyone. Yes even their loyal non thinking NPC's.
  18. We are preying on er for the president.
  19. People were sleeping outside waiting in line In Michigan to see the President tonight. Would anyone wait outside in the freezing cold to see any of the dimwit presidential candidates, or for that matter Schiff, Nadler, or Pelosi?
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