I find it hilarious that there's a group of trolls that come here doing the whole
scowling chuckie schumer impression lecturing all the people on this board .
Get a life losers.
No one has claimed that there isn't plenty of low information, useful idiots out there.
Not to mention a %$#@ ton who will vote for anyone offering free stuff.
There is no reality where shifty and co. are going to convince anyone that they can read minds.
Because that is all there is to this...idiots saying they know what trump was thinking...
Not only are they wrong they will never prove it. I don't care how many witnesses they call.
As an aside, LOL at the left and dumb Joe thinking that Trump is afraid of Joe Biden on any level.
My top ten lists of agonizing things normal people are subjected to
1. Listening to nadler /schiff + the rest of the dems for more than a short clip
2. Juan Williams voice
3. Reading gary 'tibs' busey ja or q's posts
4. Looking at Maxine Waters
5. Listening to Joe Biden try to cobble together a coherent sentence
6. Watching Nancy Pelosi fighting to keep her teeth in and trying to say something that makes sense.
7. Scowling dip shift Chuck Schumer lecturing everyone non stop
8. Any *&^hole from hollywood talking
9. Daisy Hirono/Illhan/aoc
10. CNN