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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. They are probably just having cocktails and a good time.
  2. Wrong, Just because the democrats are whack don't include the other 60 million people who are more middle than not. Most people on this board are in the middle. Don't lump us all in with you and your 5 or so whacked out lefty buddies who troll here. lurker pos
  3. I hope you're right, I do. I live dead smack in the center of a state i would consider already mostly corrupt and socialist, so I have a hard time being as optimistic.
  4. I dunno Bernie might be the perfect storm, lazy freeloaders, dimwits and Trump haters. Better start stockpiling tp, just in case.
  5. ...again, tibs and those other freaks can say what they like, i dare someone more right spew the same filth and see what happens...
  6. Nope nothing will happen to him. But saying "democrat" in the bills forum in a post about racism is a dire wrong doing.
  7. gasp ...welcome to my bye bye list &^%$tard bot pos
  8. In another post he's giddy about the covid19 virus...he's a despicable pos.
  9. Bernie's rise to me just shows how many lazy freeloaders there are in US. When mom's basement is just not good enough...
  10. English translation please? HAIL, TRUMP!
  11. Soon they will just drop this charade and just start chanting %$#@ Trump...orangemandbad.....%$#@ Trump...orangemandbad.....
  12. Years ago i used to listen to Art Bell, one night he had an expert on China on, going on with statistics and such for about 4 hours. It scared the living daylights out of me at the time, it's frightening how all this stuff this guy said was completely on the money. I still laugh when liberals say russia is our worst enemy.
  13. Like, literally? No ^%$#
  14. Someone give Gary his participation trophy, he doesn't contribute much to ppp, but doggoneit he tries real hard.
  15. aaaaand sleepy joe just woke up
  16. lol elizabeth warren just shot an arrow into mike oh and trump will shred any of these twits.
  17. Biden is screwed now that Bloomberg has endorsed Obama endorsing Bloomberg https://www.wsj.com/articles/bloomberg-campaign-ad-touts-relationship-with-obama-despite-complicated-history-11581762600
  18. Not that there's anything wrong with it
  19. Connecticut - all you need to know.
  20. transplant there is stuck on 2016 democrat talking points...perhaps he/she needs a reboot
  21. It seems as if the racial rules only apply to whites...I tell my daughter that the n word is offensive. Went to walmart with my daughter the other day we were behind this guy who call the guy he was talking to on the phone the n word affectionately at least a half dozen times in a few minute phone call....
  22. I still say, when all is said and done ...he does 5 years
  23. I bet he gets less than 9 years.
  24. Another oldie but goodie..... Joy dbag Behar ballwashing
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