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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. If the media actually 'reported' what's going on, it would be the demise of the democrat party.
  2. House Democrats unveil bill to cancel $30,000 in student debt per borrower amid coronavirus https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/house-democrats-cancel-student-debt-coronavirus-153039320.html .......
  3. When its not being filmed she bathes in babies blood.
  4. It's not news at all. its propagandist hate speech. I wouldn't even respond to that loser. He thrives off it. He's a net zero.
  5. The bickering doesn't even matter anymore. The credit card will never be paid off anyways. Monsters...i'm far more scared of these guys than the virus by a lot.
  6. She should be careful she might get mugged by her constituents
  7. Senate Republicans’ corporate rescue looks more like a “slush fund,” say Democrats https://www.yahoo.com/tech/m/7d6bc511-e7bc-3627-b5ef-3ce43704ddd2/senate-republicans’-corporate.html Automatically I know what the democrats are up to. They can't help but blurting out the truth just projecting it onto republicans. They thinks its a good 'cover'.
  8. LOL... Feinstein is in the clear she says, because her husband wasn't in the meeting. Either we are stupid or they think we are stupid.
  9. You've chosen to ignore content by Crayola64. Just a reminder.
  10. idiotic, babbling nonsense. didn't read. Bye now. had enough.
  11. I guess his days of liberal savior are over. lol. Morons left at the altar again.
  12. Of course there is degrees of truth pfft... This is like more true than say false, but not as true as true true
  13. tibs is what the covid19 virus would be in human form
  14. Do you Trump /America haters ever shut the %$#@ up
  15. Me, and an actual conversation i had with an insufferable lib friend one year ago: Friend: Russia is the biggest threat to the US. And Trump is helping them. Me: Biggest threat? China is a way bigger threat to the US. Are you kidding? Friend: Dude China is all the way on the other side of the world. They have no affect on us at all. Me: ...
  16. Folks haven't quite got it about the tibs and garys on this board, they are purposely here to harass and incite...full on ignore is the only answer, because the responses that they get are exactly what they are looking for, particularly negative ones. It nourishes and profits them. They are looking to provoke to get certain responses, and since all this is being archived, leaving evidence for future control. These guys are the modern day brown shirts, modified to operate on the internet.
  17. Whats really frightening is he has a very good chance of winning... timing of this virus and financial collapse is very curious.
  18. Well thank god the dimwits on the left will have something to blame on Trump for all next weeks news cycle
  19. Kind of just like how they snuck the patriot act crap in while everyone was reeling from 9/11
  20. every time i see a glimpse of lemon i think that has to be tibs/and or gary
  21. til then, he'll fall back to "you're racist" or "FAUX NEWS!!!"
  22. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/lindsey-graham-should-look-into-robert-muellers-omission-of-a-key-detail-from-the-trump-tower-meeting https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/03/12/buried_from_trump_tower_meeting_translators_avowal_of_no_collusion_122774.html There was no discussion of the 2016 United States presidential election or Collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign,” Anatoli Samochornov, the translator, told the FBI, according to Hemingway’s report. “There was no smoking gun according to Samochornov. There was not a discussion about ‘dirt’ on Hillary Clinton. Samochornov did not think Hillary Clinton was mentioned by name.” Wait, wasn't this pretty much the whole kittenkaboodle of the Mueller(lol) case?
  23. Lol ...what a cesspool this country has become...the media and libtards are gleeful over a sickness that has killed many and many more to come...because of their bad feelings about Trump.
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