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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. Also, once again, the left steals because they are empty shells simply incapable of original thought. Clearly group think surrounding one thought "orangemanbad" is way more cultist than garys daydreams of his hated ppp posters. Plus his thoughts of Trump always seem to drift towards a certain body part "Trumps pocket"
  2. Dealing with the media reminds me a lot of dealing with my kid. Everything I say I have to go back and break every section down with exactly what I meant so I don't have to say "ugh no that's not what i said or meant" a whole bunch of times. For instance: When are you opening the pool? me: later next day: why aren't you opening the pool, you said later. me: I'll get to it next week (snow on the ground) Why aren't you opening the pool you said this week. me: ...... A friend of mine has a 11 year daughter who can be annoying, and she quipped to her daughter one day go jump off a bridge. Months later, during an argument, she whined - "you told me to kill myself!" I can see how exhausting it has to be dealing with the left from Trump's perspective...
  3. China is a problem? cmon man. hairy legs are tinker witch wiffle bats and the other part, you know, the oil lamp things
  4. the left has nothing of their own, outside of 'orangemanbad' I almost spit milk out my nose when c3tibsgaryzevon or whomever wrote in a post that a right leaning poster was a snowflake who was triggered. LOL.
  5. funny...right people say Obama, lefties screech "WHATABOUTISM", perfectly fine tho for the over inflated sense of self important chicken little crowd.
  6. Entertainment for the hollow, small minded, race baiting self haters who can't think about anything outside of hatred towards Trump. Notice the 'crowds'. Lol.
  7. lol ....the tibs virus has mutated into this chuckle head. I've got antibodies, however. You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3.
  8. Why don't they just cut the crapcake. "CLOSE EVERYTHING AND HIDE UNTIL TRUMP IS GONE"
  9. OMG... a cherry picked article from Yahoo.com's big brother AP
  10. At least they have a 3 step plan. better than 1) shriek 'Trump sucks' nonstop
  11. So many bads on fox news. Chris Wallace and Juan Williams are the lead bads, followed by a bunch of screechy harpies. Brett is definitely on the dem downlow
  12. Wow. pulled you off ignore for that? lol. you are total garbage.
  13. As yahoo.com would report it, "You won't believe what Q-baby and his partner look like!"
  14. The more I think about it this may be me...my state would probably arrest me and lock me up for harming a far more important criminal. May have to give up my ***** to avoid jail.
  15. It just shows how out of touch they are, still throwing fox news rocks at anyone that's not in their hate Trump cult. I finally realized it last night arguing for 4 hours with a liberal friend, who attacks me non stop. It's not because I praise Trump, it's because I wont join in with the bashing and don't hate him. If you aren't spitting venom about Trump, you are the enemy and fair game for harassment. In that conversation he back door'ed his way in by saying Trump wasn't really the bad guy ....Mnuchin is the real, real bad guy and Barr is backing him, together they stole all the stimulus money. Once I asked where the proof was of that and that it sounded a like a conspiracy theory( which he says everything I say is a conspiracy theory). Then came the bull rush of attacks. Trump lies non stop. He rapes women. He and his father are racists. He has a lot of traits of Hitler. He tied to murder people by saying he was opening the country on Easter. The best zinger was when he blurted out that you know Melania was a prostitute. lol. When I said to him I felt it was unnatural to carry around so much hatred he went on a 20 minutes diatribe of how dare I accuse him of hating anybody....
  16. That's ok the media will run cover and bury it for a couple of years until no one cares anymore. Just like the mueller BS.
  17. BS..... he said... What's True During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu. What's False Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax. You are a liar or just plain lazy.
  18. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/04/payroll-protection-program-out-of-money-as-nancy-pelosi-still-demands-additional-unrelated-spending/ Actually, they do.
  19. That pic scares the living daylights out of me.
  20. Optimism is running extremely high for the Dems, the party is completely united for the first time ever!, Barack aka Jesus Christ who is looking good ! and all the Never Trumpers are in! ....its all good! according to Jessica Tarlov interview today (yes FOX news, and yes she compared Jesus Christ to Barack Obama). Oh...I don't even think she mentioned Joe, just the high level endorsements. lol As a side note, I'm starting to suspect that FOX news the internet version is really being run by a CNN alt.
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