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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. 2 hours ago, jrober38 said: Sure, but the biggest thing they railed the previous administration on has been Trump's biggest failure. He took a $550 billion deficit and turned it into $1.1 trillion in three years, all while the economy was absolutely on fire. You have your best year ever, and instead of saving for a rainy day and paying off some of your debts, you double the deficit. Complete stupidity. This administrations fiscal policy has been nothing short of a complete disaster. You lost me when you tried to suggest that Trump didn't have a conservative Senate and House from 2017-19. What a complete load of crap. ===================================================================================================== double space? All these bots/karens yelling at everyone, lol
  2. Your party fights to the death to maintain the absolute right to abortions and yet you want the rest of us to believe your nonsense of saving the old and the sick ...nothing but orangemanbad seething underneath all this. democrats care about nothing besides power.
  3. foot soldiers for a brave new world
  4. Most people I know aren't so much a supporter of Trump but more against idiotic libtard-leftist-socialist-globalist drivel. The libtards are the ones obsessed with Trump 24x7
  5. No one suggested it, you and other broken minded people chose to hear that and create a false unicorn narrative. Anything for the cause, tho amirite?
  6. Trump literally has mentally broken these people.
  7. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/03/tara-reade-facing-online-harassment-in-wake-of-sexual-assault-claims-against-joe-biden/ Tara Reade, the former Senate aide to former Vice President Joe Biden who alleges that the presumptive 2020 Democrat president nominee sexually assaulted her in the 1990s, is facing a barrage of online harassment, according to a Fox News interview with Reade on Saturday. “I find it astounding — the hypocrisy that Democrats are talking about women being able to tell their story safely,” Reade said. “I’m a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, but yet here I am trying to talk about my history with Joe Biden and I’m just the target of online harassment.” Fox News reported on the harassment, including fake social media accounts in Reade’s name: Fox News also obtained an email sent to Reade from someone using the name Linda Dubois who called Reade a “f—king *****” and a “disgrace to womanhood” for speaking out against Biden. “You are a rip-roaring b—h and the great majority of Americans don’t believe you anyhow… I hope you drop dead,” the email said. Fox News reported that Jon Cooper, a former chair of the Democratic Coalition, questioned if Reade was “unbalanced” or “was driven by malicious motives” on Twitter. ================================================= As opposed to clearly unbalanced?
  8. I think its fair to say billstime has surpassed tibs as the biggest moron karen on this board.
  9. If her face gets pulled any tighter its going to snap up like a shade one day.
  10. Holy cow so much truth packed into one paragraph...
  11. "We agree! Sure looks like this women was approached with some offer or threat from the guy she wrote so sexually glowing about: "President Putin’s obvious reverence for women, children and animals, and his ability with sports is intoxicating to American women." ....whoa I get it now...tibs drops acid
  12. You have about the same chance of making tibs a viable poster
  13. democrat party will have him whipped back into shape before this Sunday mornings democrat shows.
  14. I think this is pretty good evidence that cointelpro is back in vogue...
  15. bwhahahahahaha...i seen so many lefturds in many situations not wearing masks or wearing them incorrectly... orangemanbad idiots coming out of the wood work chanting the same dumb crap day in and day out. Nothing wrong with that disgusting nancy pelosi wiping her slobbering nose over the podium the other day that's for sure.
  16. ‘The View’ Hosts Unload on Dr. Deborah Birx: She’s ‘Part of the Problem’ https://www.yahoo.com/news/view-hosts-unload-dr-deborah-170617063.html ...gasp... ppp's version of "The View" Tibs Gary q baby billstime
  17. Well to be fair we do need some economic intercourse....I...uh... think?
  18. ... another orangemanbad cultist ...
  19. This pic is 100x worse for me now...I assumed this was a photoshopped meme....
  20. Honestly at this point i'm very seriously considering that we are in a computer simulation.
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