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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. alleged perpetrator lol...his confession is not hard to find on youtube. oh, wait its youtube prolly been scrubbed already.
  2. Joe Biden: I Propose We Immediately Provide $10k In Student Loan Debt Relief https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/joe-biden-propose-immediately-10k-210000916.html Well that's that ! the man is a hero and our savior! Say hello to President Biden! Yay!!!!!
  3. This isn't about Trump. It never was.
  4. Jemele Hill: What Joe Biden Said About Black Voters ‘Was Accurate’ https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2020/05/22/jemele-hill-what-joe-biden-said-about-black-voters-was-accurate/ Like I said nothing is stopping the New America freight train. Nothing. Also my tip of the day ...don't let your kids put you in a old folks home.
  5. ...he can use the n word and it wouldn't make a difference, ain't nothing stopping these people from taking out Trump. This is all about destroying the old 'murica and ushering in the new. They can smell it.
  6. oopsie...this isn't going to go well for Amy....
  7. https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/ukraine-judge-orders-joe-biden-be-listed-alleged Quid pro ...nah, right joe?
  8. The irony is , yes I like what Trump wants to do/has done. What the morons who come here and yell and preach the same dumb message on this board everyday don't get is, I don't love Trump as much as I despise what they stand for. They have unrequited love for whoever has a D in front of their name and being so intellectually stunted, they will never understand this.
  9. ...Also...Trump knocked down two dams in Michigan because hes raysis!!!
  10. Large print doesn't make you right, it makes you an annoying troll. Piss off forever.
  11. In sense that's what they are doing here, the work for their pimp daddies George Soros pimp slaps them when they don't have enough posts
  12. Every medication is a poison and has the potential to do good or harm. People fixating on this one really shows a level of low intellect. Next people will claim its hurting the country because people are selling it on the street. Does anyone actually consider no one can take this without a doctors consent?
  13. Plus, Trump didn't have to announce that.. troll factor 10/10 media is so clueless.
  14. You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Warren Zevon. Options You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Warren Zevon. Options
  15. Hilarious how the morons are so invested in Flynn going to prison... The last domino, and once that falls their already weak psyches might crack. How long before they apply for social security claiming PTSD that Trump gave them, lol.
  16. They stopped thinking and reverted to emotional lashing out when "hillary lost"
  17. All I can think is tibs ...going thru ppp picking out people on the right
  18. There are a lot of bizarre democrats out there, this one may take the cake. I'm doubting shes even human
  19. ..ousted? don't they mean shot with anti air guns?
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