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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. A pit bull should grab you by your wussy
  2. Staying classy as usual. Another liberal ghoul.
  4. And all that comes of it will be the crazies screaming about how Trump is a racist. All the sunday morning shows THIS will be the entire conversation. commie ^%$%^
  5. Like the idiots assigned to this board...one site at a time
  6. A little? how about a lot like syphilis in Capone's head in the end.
  7. Get in the zone...
  8. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. You've chosen to ignore content by Warren Zevon. You've chosen to ignore content by Q-baby!
  9. Liberals are freaks and ghouls.
  10. "I'm going to beat Joe Biden" --Joe Biden--
  11. Mr Biden? Cream corn and mash potatoes for supper tonight!
  12. Chicago records deadliest Memorial Day weekend in five years despite stay-at-home order https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/chicago-records-deadliest-memorial-day-weekend-in-five-years-despite-stay-at-home-order omg ...now WEEKENDS are deadly!!!!!! 10 people shot and killed... media:
  13. This just shows how close an empty shell Biden is to becoming the president. Masses of liberals squashed into these places, many of them dependent on the government.
  14. Fox’s Wallace Shreds Kayleigh McEnany for Questioning Reporters’ Faith https://www.yahoo.com/news/fox-wallace-shreds-kayleigh-mcenany-163357291.html hehe ...yahoo's top "news story" ..... I can't believe Chrissy gets away with his snowflake nonsense constantly, maybe because his dad? Everything this guy says oozes with venom towards Trump. Why doesn't he just go to CNN and get his own opinion show, he's not a newsman also... I'm not sure who's voice is more annoying, his or Juan's.
  15. 5/22/2020 at 11:05 PM, BillStime said: You snowflakes need a scapegoat - so sure blame all of Trumps problems on CNN... and China... but you know who is never at fault? RUSSIA lol ===================================================================== I always laugh when these goofs use nicknames that were invented to describe them. Never ceases to amuse me and reassure that yes, they are just that bad. Also honorable mention for just dropping keywords like 'Russia'
  16. Seriously my gut tells me this dude just loves the sound of his own voice.
  17. Right, take this board for instance, the group of libs on this board come on post about their feels and what cnn tells them, and time and time again people pummel them with logic, facts, and truth...and yet, amazingly they keep getting right back up and coming right back in with more nonsense feels .... it's mind boggling.
  18. He has unmasked the lunatics that's for sure. He has the US House of Representatives leader talking to the press about dog poo...I think that about sums up TDS.
  19. Oh, the irony of the the title of this topic. Trump has owned the left knuckleheads so hard, the level of delusion is stunning. These are the same people who believe career politician sleepy joe would make a good leader. Absolutely stunning.
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