U.S. Coast Guard Makes Contact With 4 Chinese Naval Ships Near Coast Of Alaska
The United States Coast Guard (USCG) said in a news release this week that it made contact with four Chinese naval vessels near the coast of Alaska.
“Crews interacted with local, national and international vessels throughout the Arctic. During the deployment, Bertholf and Kimball observed four ships from the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) operating as close as 46 miles off the Aleutian Island coast,” USCG said in a statement. “While the ships were within the U.S. exclusive economic zone, they followed international laws and norms and at no point entered U.S. territorial waters.”
“The PLAN task force included a guided missile cruiser, a guided missile destroyer, a general intelligence vessel, and an auxiliary vessel. The Chinese vessels conducted military and surveillance operations during their deployment to the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean,” the statement added. “All interactions between the U.S. Coast Guard and PLAN were in accordance with international standards set forth in the Western Pacific Naval Symposium’s Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea and Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.”
I'm sure Ms. Milley will still say white rage is the worst threat in the history of modern man
until the bitter end.