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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. Nonsense ... they are labeling parents who despise crt as domestic terrorists... lets face it, under the current administration domestic terrorism = white people/and or republicans. It's sickening. We hear the leftists idiots mention nazis, the current administration is nearly an exact replica of the nazi party.
  2. I've lost faith. aints 19, bills 13
  3. Bills been chasing a pure passing game, ignoring everything else while the rest of the teams were building teams to run, play defense and stop the pass with medium level qb's.
  4. was only some white people. If this was a white guy, billstime wouldn't stop blathering and foaming at the mouth about this literally for years.
  5. What does this have to do with Domestic terrorist attack in Wisconsin You sound even more unstable than before.
  6. I'm seriously at the point that I wonder are they are going to get another win? What is their strength at this point? They don't even have a quality win so far this season. Outcoached, outmanned and not much in the way of depth. Totally over rated. Not saying rebuild, but.... Same ol bills.
  7. Time to start draft talk.
  8. team wide fail. total collapse from last season. meh.
  9. Bill B. is giggling silly right about now....
  10. I see a lot of talk of pats being over rated, it's the bills that were waaay over rated.
  11. ah this game is over, bills are done. 100% what i expected today.
  12. I think i'm more enraged the pats might be in first today.
  13. No one should know this better than the criminally coward marxist democrats in 2020.
  14. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't even have to read your drooling drivel but I know it's funny
  15. The bad guys will get rid of these morons first if they win.
  16. Marxists believe anything, they are brainwashed...unable to draw logical conclusions from facts, Your side is losing, the lies are collapsing, the lying media propagandists exposed. You people will not destroy America.
  17. When its raysis but not really.
  18. I get the feeling this season is going to unravel for the Bills. Indy 23, Bills 16 and not really close.
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