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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. Stopped, permanently. clap clap clap.
  2. Moderators pfft what these idiots mean is cancel non-marxist triggering truth. To coddle the weaklings.
  3. Please folks don't throw sex tools at him.
  4. How ######ed do you have to be to be posting about an unfit president ....whos been gone for a year and the current one in ***reality*** is a mess...only marxist/racists buy into your propagandist horse$%^# you troll %^$#.
  5. *only a story if the shooter is white, then billstimes and tibs and governor will pontificate their marxist/racist horse&^%$ nonstop for 2 years.
  6. The nfl has the pats scripted to win this one.
  7. I don't know about anyone else - I am already dreading next weeks game. &^%$ing patriots make me hate sports.
  8. of course the kitens gonna roll over like a hulk hogan opponent
  9. If Pat win vs Titans that's 6 in a row for them. Don't care who they played, that makes the Pats the most formidable team in the NFL... hands down. I hate the Pats but imho they have to be the super bowl favorite in the AFC, based on coaching and strengths. I still am stunned this has happened in just one year. Bills have way too many weaknesses to overcome, I just don't see it ending well. BB plays chess - Bills play checkers.
  10. Media are racist c&^ts who hate white people and are using blacks like puppets to rip this country apart. Total textbook marxism.
  11. lol...you make no sense at all ... you're unhinged, you post the most nonsense by far on this board. You mostly post to keep the biggest nonsense posts at the top. Losing sucks eh?
  12. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options 1 month later... You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options lol.
  13. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/salvation-army-white-donors-need-to-offer-sincere-apology-for-their-racism/ Salvation Army — White donors need to offer ‘Sincere Apology’ for their Racism… “Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin,” one lesson explains. “There is an urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes and practices in light of our faith, and to live faithfully in today’s world.” I have always donated money every time I come across these folks, now I sneer as I walk by. Racist mother &^%$ers.
  14. GG, brandons
  15. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lefties are douche nozzles.
  16. Democrats are certainly the criminal party for sure.
  17. retire already. just go away.
  18. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options *when you're screaming out into empty space
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