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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. lol ongoing comedy skit
  2. Are we running out of cartoon characters??? My suggestion next is lefties Trump
  3. It's hard to win when you have one good player on the field. Yes Tom Brady won an awful lot, but the Pats always fielded a great team around him. Sorry I don't see it said much here, you can't win a Superbowl at the Dollar General.
  4. Albwan, 2/5/25 , "4th&long is a ***** idiot"
  5. If the DumbNC loses this group of victims, watch out.
  6. Did your boyfriend forget lube or are you generally this bitter
  7. I think the ghost of bt now haunts 4thand whatever that clowns name is
  8. I'll miss the dopey way he says this.
  9. blechh the NFL is the WWF - Mahomes is their Hulk Hogan...3 bowls in a row and Taylor Swift...win win for the home office.
  10. I'm just glad the dude is gone. bye bye joey
  11. Ravens will beat the hell out of the Bills. They will roll over like kittens behind the exalted gaze of king Mahomes. I would bet everything I own on these two outcomes.
  12. Comedy break. In another story ai is scary af.
  13. No one except Trump wants to upset the corrupt Washington apple cart. Nothing will happen.
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