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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. Moron, the time is right for you to move there. Buh bye.
  2. The suckers and losers are the (*^*&%^$^#crying libtards on this board, lol.
  3. here's one for the only white people are racists trolls
  4. The hilarity is why the f post here? You have to be stupid to think crying and posting nonsense in this forum is going to make any difference is ridiculous. It just comes off as bitter and angry children trying to hurt someone else to self soothe. Get on meds, get a shrink, trolling here isn't going to help.
  5. I bet Trump was at the helm!@
  6. No democrat blacks despise white people, it's not the other way around. And it's got a lot to do with a cash grab. Inherent racism..is not forcing unqualified people into positions they aren't qualified for, in fact it's exactly the opposite.
  7. I say republicans should get reparations for being subjected to the ####### racist lefturds in this country.
  8. It's one thing to be stupid, it's a whole other level when you keep doubling down on that same stupidity.
  9. per yahoo.com ROFL
  10. I keep watching this over and over just to hear her say harry bolz...this is great stuff man.
  11. yea and yall lost that's why all the glorious crying and whining.
  12. Oh as long as it triggers whack jobs like yourself please let it keep coming
  13. Only a complete moron thought the economy or anything else in the last hellish 4 years was anything resembling "good"
  14. even more depressing, you don't even need a mvp qb to win the superbowl.
  15. put your money on the chiefs ..no way the league lets the swifties down
  16. Roger Mcmahon just building up some drama for the amazing ending
  17. cmon we all know how this script ends.
  18. so the rules are the same we can't mention the unnamable team amirite?
  19. I find myself wondering why I've wasted more than half my life routing for a bunch of guys to win a game. I've got nothing.
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