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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. I don't think the democrats are getting their money laundering operation back anytime soon,
  2. Trump: Yeah, possibly. I know some Russian oligarchs that are nice people Straight up trolling and you being as stupid as you are fall for it every time. You would think a troll would know when he's/she/it are being trolled.
  3. https://flipit.com Search with Google when you can just flipit to find genuine opinions. NO BOTS. Our system identifies and eliminates bot-driven content, ensuring authenticity giggles, genuine opinions.
  4. ....and another obnoxious twit/alt has emerged from the cesspool. yawn.
  5. Only a FU ck en idiots! would click that ***** looking link. https://flipit.com Search with Google when you can just flipit to find genuine opinions. NO BOTS. Our system identifies and eliminates bot-driven content, ensuring authenticity giggles, genuine opinions.
  6. What's funny is leftists/dems are notorious name changers.
  7. lol a conversation from a broken mind, just to keep a dead thread alive, cute.
  8. If you are happy about this, YOU ARE RACIST!!!! lol
  9. This trans/sports movement is more proof dems/leftists despise women, and it's loudly obvious. They do however love weakened broken groups of people, which makes them predators. How broken? See the few who lurk on a football fan site purposely targeting a group of people attempting to project their self hatred for...reasons?
  10. The mentally ill deranged leftists last hope for any glee and joy is the hope that America collapses. Leftist version of utopia
  11. yea because biden kamala and the democrats did so much for the working class. lol @ you, simp.
  12. I pop in this board like 5 minutes a week...you and the other morons seem to sit on this board non stop Kinda think you're a basement dwelling loser?
  13. Wow so many many idiots who detest America lurking on this board, for some odd reason. Do you morons know this a football board? or do you day dream that this is a great place to troll detested imagined white people?
  14. Don't worry he will get a super bowl ring on his 2nd contract team. I would bet on it.
  15. I'm not one to just believe everything I read but man if this is true, our government is the actual new mafia.
  16. Exactly like a democrat, telling everyone exactly what they are doing. HAHAHAHAHA You just can't make any of this is up......-
  17. hahaha an oldie but goodie...i still question, who is the audience for these ghouls? are they kammie paid shills? These morons think they are going to shut this forum down? lol...i come here just to read whack job comedy gold, and no other reason. ROFL
  18. People are nuts, I have a friend who always prefaces any political statement with 'I'm not a democrat' and then proceeds to say things like "Trump is never leaving office now" and "the audits are just a smokescreen so he can steal the money". He always thought things were doing good with Biden, holy cow people are so brainwashed. Even funnier is when he says yea you should watch where you get your news.
  19. I don't think they value him that high, why was he sitting in the afc championship game at the end
  20. 41 posts. main too much ignored? the forums newest poster.
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