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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. miami has a great offense they make it look easy. Im back to looking at other teams and being jealous like the drought years
  2. jets and miami have our number going to be tough next year
  3. they fked up by being cheap and going down the green bay path with josh
  4. damn with this game goes the #1 seed, 2-3 in the division and the division is in play again . nice
  5. and the wheels have flung off the wagon
  6. you can see miami is having their way, they have the confidence now
  7. has miami scored every drive this game
  8. alright eventually the d gets a stop? right?
  9. dare i say ...pass pass pass punt
  10. defense shredded AND offense at its 3 and out form, this could get ugly
  11. they make offense look easy, i remember when the bills did that
  12. I'll take "Things the hive mind media aren't talking about" for a thousand, Alex.
  13. Wait we were told lyin joe was the voice of reason and calm...instead he's destroyed everything and created a gigantic chasm through the country.
  14. It was all a show, this whole charade was planned out way before jan 6th no different than or this nitwit fake sobbing in front of an empty parking lot While all these twats and more got away with much much worse. feel better lib tart.
  15. That's because they all go by Saul Alinsky's playbook...whatever you're doing accuse the other side of. Hell the only reason why the democrat party is so successful is due to their hive mind mentality, virtually zero independent critical thinking among these clowns. here's actual visual proof and yet morons will still finger bash everyone with the trump nonsense.
  16. This image is exactly how I imagine libmorons see the world.
  17. burn out more liberal brains. This dude makes money by practically doing nothing, and yet the hive mind keeps crying about him being a criminal. C'mon imagine joe trying this card stunt? Then again anyone with more than half a mind knows which one of these clowns is a criminal.
  18. I think all this is pointless..I mean does anyone think the bills can beat the eagles
  19. Coach is purposely holding back playing vanilla to bust out in the playoffs 3d chess
  20. It's a giant turd. I'm sure the scumbags knock you off line a couple times an hour to make you listen to the same ***** commercials. Tune in is far better
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