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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. ive had enough of the qb, when you are jealous of mccown something is wrong.
  2. I shut it off in disgust at 10-7, you could see it was over by then. you know the thought crossed my mind after that astros win....hmmm
  3. Why would any of us want it to happen? 17 now going on 18 years of nonsense inept, embarassing football is the problem, not the fans. Its not a luck thing. Every damned team in this league, even cleveland has managed to make the playoffs in a 17 year stretch, this is not a coincidence.
  4. pats jets fins bills
  5. if mccown can effortlessly carve up the bills, i can see Drew Brees throwing 7 or 8 TD's on these guys. Yes, an away team that can score more than 7 points .... WOW imagine that.
  6. I don't care what anyone says, the jets are outright tanking and are still flat out a better team all the way around, better D, better O and better qb. 17 years of flat out fail. Anyone who didn't see this bubble being bursted in an atrocious way is blind. See you at 5-6 for the heroic "they are good" 7-9 finish. Being a bills fan is what i imagine an abused dog must feel lying there waiting to get get kicked, cringing, knowing its coming. 7 miserable points, its mind boggling.
  7. ive watched both teams all year, jets are the better team, bills had an awful lot of luck fall their way earlier this season.
  8. welp there is a really good reason why they dont want buffalo anywhere near a sunday or monday night game, this is the prime example...
  9. ya knpow its not so bad they gotta lose sometime, but really do they need to make a bad team look great in the process, sos
  10. Ill have to listen to podcasts tomorrow generally i listen to wfan but it will be insufferable on there tomorrow as they laugh at the bills all day
  11. Yep this is the bills we all know crapping the bed on prime time.
  12. hey, look at the bright side everyone you can still salvage the rest of the day doing something constructive. football blows anyways.
  13. maybe they can petition the nfl to have more games vs nfc because its unfair to have to play so many unwinnable afc and divisional games
  14. this game was over when the schedule came out.
  15. maybe ill be indicted for colluding with russia on that
  16. I will later, when its about 45 - 7 k
  17. good god i think this may actually be really horrible...will raiders not score on any drive today, that was way too easy.
  18. The tank is ON baby !
  19. Havent watched 1 sec of espn since the old days when you couldnt even get bills highlights, just hours on end of brady and cam newton %$% sack swinging.
  20. good god millionaires are touchy. give me a break.
  21. Id like to see the clip sped up, i bet it would look real benny hill like.
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