HAHA right back at you. abc reporter incorrectly reported the story and has been
suspended for a month with no pay, fbi agent leaking info removed from case..
sorry this is not a tie to trump, not even close, too bad you giddy libs celebrate fake
news prematurely.
Libs and the propaganda media are officially more upset about trump than
they are about terrorism.
Oh, yea almost forgot the damage done to the stock market due to the whole fake story.
There's a reckoning coming for the corrupt govt, the america haters and the liars I think.
Interesting is the timing of this investigation, it quickly swept aside all the democrat/hollywood
pedo's and women gropers which was quickly blazing out of control.
They need an investigation of the clintons, but the swamp doesnt want to pick that scab
that will really set off a chain reaction that will shake up this country.
They won't be able to finger wag at us to get out of it this time.