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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. that was a lot of to get to the 20
  2. funny pats get a penalty and still get a fg, bills get a penalty its a given the drive is over.
  3. so stupid passing there anyways god D$%# it all
  4. brady looking bored
  5. The game plan is simple, hold the pats to 10 or under.
  6. oh, he hasn't packed up and left the office for a month yet? wait yea right its only a teensy weensy white lie...
  7. hes in big trouble because corrupt wings of the govt and looney lefts and the communist lying media are desperate to set him up.
  8. ABC news is reporting the pats have won the game.
  9. HAHA right back at you. abc reporter incorrectly reported the story and has been suspended for a month with no pay, fbi agent leaking info removed from case.. sorry this is not a tie to trump, not even close, too bad you giddy libs celebrate fake news prematurely. Libs and the propaganda media are officially more upset about trump than they are about terrorism. Oh, yea almost forgot the damage done to the stock market due to the whole fake story. There's a reckoning coming for the corrupt govt, the america haters and the liars I think. Interesting is the timing of this investigation, it quickly swept aside all the democrat/hollywood pedo's and women gropers which was quickly blazing out of control. They need an investigation of the clintons, but the swamp doesnt want to pick that scab that will really set off a chain reaction that will shake up this country. They won't be able to finger wag at us to get out of it this time.
  10. Everyone knows anyone can post on wiki, so surely one of the staunch pro tt promoters wrote this.
  11. ...And become the best qb in the bills stadium for the last 20 years. I just get the feeling this is never going to end as a bills fan.
  12. The deal is thank god for the arizona cayotes
  13. There's just no way to talk up this game. Everyone knows the outcome. Classic Hulk Hogan vs SD Jones matchup.
  14. while they are at it, might as well give tt a 5yr contract also, i keep wondering if his management team is running a campaign, i'm not saying hes a terrible qb, but these constant posts trying to reiterate over and over in many different ways cherry picking nonsense stats seems way out of proportion to his talent level. The last few months of the old bbmb were bombarded with these posts towards the end. Never saw anything like it before.
  15. lefty rhetoric warning... maybe she shouldn't have claimed she was something she wasn't, and maybe that's all trump is trying to bring attention to. logic and truth have no place in leftist reality. smoke and mirrors, man
  16. give me a break, clinton, franken, hollywood, laur moore seems to be a complete leftist set up. pay attention where the left focus, that's where they are scared the most. when dems are pedos nothing happens shhhh dems have been reeling, lying, and crying for a year now.
  17. ya was waiting for someone to post this.... folks this is the real racism in America. If this was on yahoo, id be surprised if it was there for 5 minutes.
  18. cmon folks...Bill is obviously trolling, cmon now.
  19. Bill's about to smack the bills with a huge dildo.
  20. they arent even thinking about coming here right now...this is a joke week for them. tho i still think we have shot, wait hear me out....pats score minimally 35...sooo we can count on one td, possibly 2, so then all we need is 10 fgs. Easy peasy.
  21. Pull out Tom please! Now THIS is what I look forward to as a bills fan the most...posts like this one This has my vote for post ever.
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