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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. Whats the refs gameplan now
  2. tommy just got burned
  3. i like that they go for it, but why run a ghastly play just kick the fg if youre going to be halfassed
  4. Hopefully this coach has an aggressive gameplan, don't try and sit on a 3-0 lead, this is it, this is their playoff game, none of that other fairy tale crap is going happen to help the bills.
  5. yea have to think this IS the gameplan...somewhat like sitting brady to give him a break
  6. Hate to be negative, i usually have some feeling about games, like there's a chance, bills should win big, should be a tight game etc...my meter on this one is at no chance in hell. the refs alone will destroy the bills. The bills game plan will probably be focused on trying covergronk and trying to get within 5 yds of brady, while the pats rb runs for 200 yds/3 tds.
  7. I wont believe it until yahoo or cnn confirms it /sarcasm off
  8. Peterman all day. A win vs cincy, no, or jets has the bills in the playoffs.
  9. Is that monkey bonking that kid in the neck????
  10. If someone mugs gronk, i think there's a real possibility there would be an arrest with some jail time attached. Just hang on soon, very soon brady will be gone.
  11. I'm the opposite I'm skipping the game, just cant bear to sit through another one of these.
  12. You better believe it, the nfl is prepping the refs to drops flags if anyone from the bills even gets into bradys vicinity, bills have no shot vs the pats, the refs and the nfl.
  13. This is why those 3 letter agencies with billions of dollars of unaccountable black op funding are at war with the american people, to gain complete control. See 'community stalking/gangstalking'. This is one of many test programs run by these agencies to tighten their control over regular Americans. It's real people, its in beta now, but soon this kind of thing will be unleashed on all Americans, once they take all the guns away. Wake up people, before it's too late.
  14. really making fun of one word used by a fox reporter...how about just about everything that comes out of nancy pelosi and maxine waters mouths. Now there is true bizzare crap.
  15. Ya because in millions of years before humans the world never went batS%$# crazy with changes.... lol at people...humans as they are built are short timers on this planet. they will find their skeletons holding their cell phones for dear life in the far off future.
  16. 1. liberals first weapon - name calling 2. not immigrants ILLEGAL immigrants, liberals actually can't even bring themselves to saying that word so they call it "undocumented" 3. The other weapon liberals have is saying racist, again trying to keep ILLEGAL people out of our great country and taking precautions when it comes to muslim immigration does not denote racism nor 'bigot'. No one ever called Mr. Trump a bigot until he clobbered clinton in the election. Liberals who walk around with so much abnormal amounts of hatred are the real bigots. I'm sorry you guys hate our great country
  17. The coach and the system were the reason, he sucks. Change CK situation with Tom Brady and he would be out of work for 5 minutes. This racist paranoia is so old. You are obviously the racist buddy.
  18. LOL...itsfunny fat boy in nk has been threatening the US with nukes for years now, but the left gets mad because Trump tells him to knock off with the threats. You guys are real beauties.
  19. the more the looney left and hollywood and the lying media hate on Trump, the more I like the guy, and know hes doing his job.
  20. The bills organization just doesn't do stuff like that. I'm guessing, they draft a rb, wr or de high and go for a 3rd round leftover qb, just cant see anything else happening. I just fear this team is going to stay forever in a loop of endless running focused offense.
  21. nah he isnt going to lose games with ints like fitz, not the same
  22. the tt fan club will always point to the charger game, but the duds were cincy and jets win one of those and they would probably be in the playoffs. the 5 ints aside, chargers were on fire and would have beaten the bills with tt imho.
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