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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. the refs are going to crush jax
  2. Really does it matter? does anyone really believe any of these teams are going to be allowed to beat the pats? #wrestlemaniaXXVI
  3. Lol, notice how the people who claim all this propaganda are never referred to who they are with the the left, its always these people, someone who used to be in the white house, ex congressman, people close to the president ...etc etc etc.. when are people going to wake up? the real question is do they want to.
  4. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/13/associate-hillary-clinton-uranium-one-russian-bribery-case-indicted/ You just won't hear about news like this on yahoo or cnn. If this story dropped about trump, cnn would not stop talking about this for weeks. But eh those guys are busy screaming about swear words and white trucks.
  5. The racist ones are the ones who could quickly and automatically connect this term with being racist. Right out of the saul alinsky play book, mentally deficient left screaming over and over that trump is mentally deficient. The left doesn't even know they are being trolled.
  6. i can see the path for ne gets easier with this eagle win
  7. my god is some site going to claim that he is statistically better than brady next. gasp.
  8. I'm really getting the sinking feeling this is precisely where we are headed. no, passing as a qb does.
  9. Do walls stop rats from getting in your house? I'm not being symbolic, literally a wall won't work. Plus when you are fighting the left who are trying to fill the country with democratic voters, it really seems like a losing cause any way you slice it.
  10. The wall idea is stupid, it's not going to stop anything. To me it's just a smokescreen. The democrats are going to to get every single thing that they want and trump is going to screw his base into the ground, a slow four year burn.
  11. what the hell is a biggot man the left is saying trump is a retard, it must be agonizing for these guys realizing trump beat them so badly, beaten by a retard, rofl. now the blathering on and on about racists, biggots and how trump eats is friggin hilarious. I knew this was going to be delicious after all the you tube videos of lefties losing their minds on election night as they were getting shunned by their loser queen.
  12. yea at foxboro dropping another 3-egg.
  13. You can't communicate with these people, they think Trump is the bad guy who picked a fight with that misunderstood friend of dennis rodman's in north korea.
  14. Games with 1 passing TD: 19 - 43.1% Games with 0 passing TD: 12 - 27.2% 1 out every 4 games, no passing tds? every other game, one passing td? playoff games, no tds 100% + teams have learned to make him be a qb, then spy, hes not getting away with running that much anymore. I'm not sure how many times i heard 'awful quarterbacking' from the media, after sundays game...not bad, not mediocre, but "awful".
  15. Man no wonder the left is friggin so out of their minds...beaten by a retard. rofl. oh, almost forgot the original post ....LOL
  16. So is the basic premise here that the oc is the problem with the offense? Hasn't everyone seen all the photographic evidence of all the wide open receivers missed? Really, that's all on the oc? Wow. At this point i'm incredulous, all i can do is shake my head at all of this.
  17. but but but peterman threw 5 picks in a half
  18. They really need a decent wr who can stay healthy. I wasnt blown away by anything I saw from him, i dont think they have a true 1 on the roster
  19. LOL there is no cult of peterman ..are you kidding me?????
  20. Even so there's a new thing you can't say anymore "go home" Politicians are going spend millions trying to figure out to overcome this highly disturbing, and racially biased group of words.
  21. I hope you're kidding because no one has ever lost a wild card game only giving up 10 points
  22. wfan had the same take "...awful, awful quarterbacking" I don't understand, only a blind person could dispute this.
  23. I had zero expectations for the offense to do anything yesterday. Jax would have lost to the Jets yesterday. I'm stunned that there is still a loud group of tt fans. OBD drive please, please... no more ....please move on.
  24. yes these self loathing - america hating - so and so's really need to go to nk, africa, or china and try to destroy those countries, leave this great country alone.
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