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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. I disagree. They are right where they belong, I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how the heck this team even made the playoffs. They have a lot of work to do, and if they stay status quo rolling the dice on the hope they hit on draft picks, this may be one miserable season upcoming.
  2. the only reason why i cant stand brady is because the bills organization is completely baffled coming up with an answer for him. Because yeah, a decent defense and 1 TD with a sprinkling of clapping will beat the pats playing conservative ball.
  3. Nah seems like alot around here are good with 100 yds and 1 td of offense Brady gets 500 yds passing in the superbowl...how many games does it take for the bills to get 500 passing yards? So depressing. bills are playing 1970s football.
  4. Who gives a &^%$ ...%^$# the pats
  5. if they both left the pats would suck balls for a long long time.
  6. Man i just cant see one team who wants a qb who struggles to get more than one td a game... i just am astounded this has gone on this long.
  7. my god this is going to go down to the wire
  9. 2:21 left...ugh...that drive all for naught...does anyone think pats arent going to easily skip into the end zone now.
  10. here comes the nfl creating a new rule for the pats
  11. we are going to have to deal with like 3 more patriot superbowls before this BS is over.
  12. Main Event: The Donald.................... will be taking credit for everything good happening......( just like every President before him) Of course the media coverage (much of which has already been written) will concentrate on all the "important" issues -- who wore black -- how many "standing ovations" -- What color tie did he wear. -- Who sat next to Melania you forgot picture and in depth adoring, exploration of what michelle obama was wearing while scowling during the speech.
  13. Of course not the democrats plan is to make up &^%% and get nothing done for the next 4 years. Sound plan, meanwhile keep streaming those illegal voters in under everyone's nose while they are bickering about all the ^&^%.
  14. I found the script leaked on the interwebs, Jags get blown out 42-17, THEN after many kneels, Vikings jump out to a 35 point lead on the Pats in the sb, THEN Pats score 42 unanswered points in the fourth quarter ! Amazing !
  15. You guys better brace for more tt. just sayin. No particular reason, just a hunch. "Aw shucks, we tried hard to get a qb"
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