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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. I really don't think so...honestly i think their plan is going rb/def and rolling with TT again. They are just biding their time to spring it on everyone. Just a hunch.
  2. I still think there's potential with NP, so no. People are nuts to judge him over that charger game. What a horrible decision to throw him in, that game, under those circumstances, anyways. I've been skeptical of the coach after that game.
  3. Like many, many other things around us. disinformation and sheeple are the best tools ever.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/09/us/politics/us-cyberweapons-russia-trump.html The truth is starting to get horrible.
  5. TT is going to be the qb. The lame playoffs killed any chance of improving, now we get to watch the rise of the jets.
  7. I've been saying it all along, thank god for the giants.
  8. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/02/08/report-fbi-informant-tells-congress-moscow-routed-millions-benefit-bill-clintons-charitable-efforts/ Wow, here's cherry picking a story...who was russia trying to back here after all?
  9. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/02/07/nbc-news-presents-eight-month-old-russia-hacked-the-election-story-as-breaking-news/ ....leftist media still throwing crap at the wall and the sheeple still keep melting down over it.
  10. Need to look at his audience....the left hated and attacked and name called him before he was even sworn in, total immaturity, acting like children taking tantrums because they didn't get their way... I have proof...look at youtube search liberal meltdowns, hours and hours of it. You cannot rationalize with people with this mentality. I don't blame him, these people/media attack every single thing about the man, every single day, I mean really attacking family, 10 year olds? Despicable.
  11. Nah he's a master troll, it takes one to know one...smart people don't fall for trolling they know to ignore, not have meltdowns like the pic of the lady above.
  12. Look at youtube videos of liberal meltdowns after the Trump win. This pic sums them all up perfectly.
  13. Funny thing, Trump is a master troll, and yet they fall for it every time.
  14. I was thinking medications? I don't want to respond to that guy and give him any attention whatsoever, he may be the worst troll i've ever come across...to the point where I don't even want to argue with him, a first for me. I strongly suspect he may be the most racist person on this board, it consumes him.
  15. Emily Shugerman ..The Independent Who the hell are these people writing these blogs?
  16. again, you wont see this story on yahoo lefty blog com you can see what michelle obama wore today tho...
  17. Since the morons at disney said so....this is the lefty reality, it happened in a disney movie so it's true news, hahaha...so much fun watching the left devour themselves. Now they will demand the cafeteria gets closed off to whites for their safe space to heal for this horrible hate crime.
  18. yahoo...the site that is far more concerned with kim kardassian stories and is obsessed with michelle obamas outfits...lol yahoo is a leftie blog, not news on any level.
  19. Its still too painful for the left to admit their candidate was awful beyond belief, and that their plan of gutting America may take another 6 years before they can start again.
  20. You guys are really sick and depraved. But yes, yes I would.
  21. I had to turn down the sound, couldn't take him for another minute, and al just seems old. But ya chris is awful to listen to that noise burned my ears.
  22. I'd have no problem rolling with anyone who resembles a passer even if it's NP.
  23. I'm real bitter today, I could care less about gronks woes
  24. They backed into the playoffs in a wretchedly bad afc, then can't even come up with a td in that game and i'm looking to be upset? I'd say it's called being realistic. I don't take meds or drink.
  25. Negative. This guy has carried a heavy load with sometimes not a whole lot of high level talent around him. Losing a super bowl with 500 yards passing? C'mon now.
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