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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. now that i think about it they really are kinda racist also
  2. To the OP Keep Up the good work young man you're doing it! love,
  3. hahaha ...didnt read any of the posts, looks like 3-4 far lefts and have taken over this board with their rants....and no one cares.
  4. I think this might set off the lamar jackson crowd
  5. I can't recall a more fraudulent playoff team, I mean practically the whole team has turned over... i foresee bad beatings on prime time for the bills next season, and they will be banned again from these games for another ten years.
  6. Ya but a majority of the hillaries aren't deranged its a small minority of whack jobs screaming at the sky yanking out their hair at how awful they feel this great country is. You guys should go somewhere else u madbro or just triggered lol @ you
  7. This you gary? Twitter Blocks Girl with Down Syndrome for Posting ‘Pro-Life Pictures’' You're pretty fond of making fun of these kinds of people.
  8. you 3-4 trolls would make out much better going to starbucks not buying anything, taking a dump and then scream retail racism...you will get more attention.
  9. This website is a microcosm of the real world, 3-4 annoying and loud mouthed lefties taking over giving the appearance of majority.
  10. Its starting again, this time the qb isnt even on the team.
  11. yep ...peoples looks, their family, their sexual history - see, all the dumb liberal tear streaming, hair pulling, screaming at the sky trump attacks. oh yea that and joy behar orgasms on the view from her trump hate dildos. So much entertainment. I didn't even vote trump and the day he became president was one of the greatest days. Funny how there seems to be more outrage at trump becoming president than outrage that 9/11 happened....
  12. Who the hell needs a qb when you don't need a superbowl? Tighten up the d, make the playoffs hope the d gets a turnover, and score 10 !! giggitty. whats the matter with all you people.
  13. Motha, wheres muy scootch
  14. It's only a crisis for anyone picking up the tab to pay for these people after they nonchalantly stroll in and begin making their demands. 1500 more dim votes tho !
  15. you wont hear much about this one it doesn't fit the lefty agenda at all.
  16. 'Russia's interference in the elections', our election system must be as weak as those skyscrapers in NY, you know those ones that fall into neat little piles of powdery dust.
  17. oh please the propaganda lame stream media will twist this into, "Mueller luring Trump into a trap , dumb dumb Trump will fall into it and be impeached by summer" And run this headline on yahoo, cnn, huff etc for the next 6 months. The sheep will eat it up and watch and wait, all this BS is just a giant smokescreen eating time, the dims hoping they get the majority back. All of it is just busy work stealing tax payers bucks.
  18. Funny how liberals/progressives supposed to have 'feelings' and yet your icon is one with the US president with downs syndrome. You people are deeply disturbed, seriously get some help.
  19. Its typical how liberals just make blanket statements, all trumps voters are racists, all trump voters are homo-phobes, all trump voters love guns. Really that kind of thinking and arguing shows a very low mentality. Many, many more people don't care what anyone else is doing in their home. What rational, normal people don't like is having the left propaganda media machine forcing these ideals down peoples throats, so to speak, non stop. Ya know what I mean, the liberal finger wag, and stern lecturing thing you get for not thinking like a liberal.
  20. lol she's an aged porn star looking for a payoff is what looks more credible. Kim jung could come out and say he was gay and had an affair with trump and the left would embrace and adore him, hows hes so credible and wonderful.
  21. oh, message boards aren't about getting lectured to by people who don't agree with our opinions? reminds me of any conversation i have with anyone far left... you don't agree with me! im wagging my finger while sternly lecturing you!
  22. Reading and paying attention at school and learning is racist now, too?
  23. The irony is, if he was being cheap it was brilliant... look at all the diehard bills fans and they haven't won crap in forever.
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