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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. He better have thick skin, the mobs are going to go nuts booing and and name calling him at the first incomplete he throws.
  2. yea the hollywood idiots responses on social media was repulsive. can't even paste them in here....hollywood far lefties are disgusting pigs. weinstein/stormy are their gods, ms13 are their angels. Journalists Admit Trump Called MS-13 ‘Animals,’ Still Cry Racism hahahaha.
  3. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG ++pulls out some hair, screams at the sky+++ OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NO. NO THIS MONSTER MUST BE STOPPED AT ANY COST GET THE PITCHFORKS GAIS LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Can't give it up, need to get past midterms, then it will disappear.
  5. Yahoo headline: Trump blasts some deported immigrants: 'These aren't people. These are animals.' What really happened: Trump Calls MS-13 Gangsters ‘Animals’ Far left liberals are a cancer to America, and are out and out demented liars. They will side with murderers to push their agenda.
  6. I bet there are huge piles of torn out liberal hair on the floor and horse vocal cords from screaming at the sky at this, too. Hopefully there's some you tube videos !
  7. Is this post about terror ism or antifa?
  8. Hahaha...the irony and deliciousness of lefty tears... putting half their apples in the russian basket and the other half in a porn stars. Meanwhile, nancy's head is bobbling for more apples.
  9. Reports Indicate Secret FBI and CIA Mole Spying on Trump Campaign If this turns out to be true, wow. It's no wonder the lefts reaction to trump winning, its like cheating on a test expecting a 100, and getting a 0 when you discover you have been caught, and screaming denial and blaming everyone else to cover it up.
  10. ben runs his mouth all the time, threatens to walk away from football, then is surprised a qb is drafted, sure makes sense.
  11. I have permanently blocked out anything on espn. Used to love espn many years ago, not so much anymore. Would rather listen to any wgr show and i'm not that fond of any of those either.
  12. umm... actually not dumb, smart for taking advantage of dumb, completely legal bankruptcy laws.
  13. Funny BUT I formed a mental picture of this i cant shake
  14. We have seen so many draft fails around the nfl its mind boggling to me that anyone thinks they can predict who's going to good or bust...id like to see analytics on people who get paid predicting the future of these players Any nfl player to me has an equal chance of success or fail. To latch onto a statistic and exclaim bust is just dumb. I never realized how terrible the whole draft thing has become in the nfl.
  15. Because a lot of media are like posters in chat rooms, hate bloggers looking for their five minutes of fame at any cost.
  16. wow peoples are still mad...as a casual draft watcher i don't think i saw one time him out of the first round, i thought their best option was to go bpa early and with lamar jackson late. However I'm thrilled with Allen, mostly because I'm behind a management team 100% who gets a bills team led by tt to their first playoff win in forever. I hope they hit a home run. I almost forgot who the heck is john ledyard
  17. The only thing stormy is bringing down is cnns already crappy ratings .... I believe you mean since 2008. Ya know, the one who sent tax payer money to his boys in iran.
  18. No but the media never said anything negative about obama, all puff piece stories about what obama ate daily , what his wife was wearing, them going on vacation etc etc etc. This is nothing but BS whats going on with trump currently. lets take a hard look at democrats like maxine waters, who has one of the worst if not the worst district in the country and all she does is go around attacking the president and this country.
  19. Mr. Sulu says "Helllllooooo ..... Oh my"
  20. meh 1/10 for the orange cracks, they are so six months ago, try mixing it up a bit and crack on the kid, haven't seen that in awhile.
  21. Only thing I hold against trump, why stormy, so many hotter pron stars out there
  22. I wonder if all that cash actually made it, hard to believe a plane full of pallets of cash in the middle of the night didn't have skimming going on
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