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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. When you have Lesean Mccoy at rb, and you only score 3 in a playoff game, good story man.
  2. Best part of this slavery conversation...it's been over for 160 years...no one alive today had anything to do with with slavery, 130,000 Americans died in the conflict that slavery was part of, a great deal of American's were legal immigrants so they and their families had virtually nothing to do with American slavery... I'm really beginning to think the left are moving into the take peoples thought area now. Taking their guns and speech isn't enough? They assume and scream everyone is racist, because... why? Because they feel people don't like them? I see blacks and hispanics in every job all the way up the feeding trough, and are at every level of American society, politics, they pretty much dominate sports, making millions of dollars, entertainment..on and on and on. These people either want people's thoughts or they are systematically trying to to snuff out white people. This sounds like the real racism to me.
  3. grooming gangs ....undocumented immigrants... the media need to make up new safe word groups to pacify their stupid sheeple.
  4. They got everyone in a froth blindly running around screaming racist and bigot at just about everything, no one even notices or cares about anything else. I finally get what George Romero was getting at after all these years.
  5. We give too much attention to things that don't need attention, by posting a topic like this screams the same message that transgenders and gay marriage people do, a small percentage of people demanding attention by force feeding method. 99% of people don't care one bit who you marry or what you do in your own home. Stop with the 'racist ghost around every corner' bit and live your life.
  6. There's the beta plan soon to be unleashed on America. No whining later lefties, it will be too late.... you wanted it, you'll have it soon.
  7. Shes an alex jones type plant working for the dems. She acts more like a hollywood idiot leftie , folks on the right don't behave like she does, they have more dignity. Who cares anyways, what morons still watch tv...more commericals with biased lefty agendas anyways. pull the cord. and rosanne, go to hell, you suck.
  8. Whats funny is only white people can be called racist - its en vogue, because, you just know all the other races aren't racist at all, i mean that would be unpossible.
  9. i chuckle at the insurance commercial where the black girlfriend is throwing out the white boyfriend, sceaming, yelling, throwing his stuff out on the street. Almost could be a disney commercial for just about any product i guess
  10. MSM is actually blaming trump for weinstein. Lol if only trump gave this speech, would love the lib head explosions. but its just her so its all good man.. nothing to see here
  11. followers is a perfect word, liberalism is a cult.
  12. I prefer to be upbeat about the unknown, i'm obviously not an expert in judging who's a good qb or not, so i have no real agenda except seeing the bills becoming successful. One awful away game on a day the charger defense was off the hook, does not make a career. At least several of those ints weren't on him...wouldnt surprise me to find out the wr's didnt play that hard, plus i feel like putting him in that scenario was an awful coaching move. What was awful about peterman imo was that that terrible face first slide in the indy, maybe one of the dumbest qb moves I can remember.
  13. Ugh no way this reminds me of that time peterman threw 5 picks
  14. they only mentally cut him because they were embarrassed their ty-god had to sit
  15. Baltimore Teen Arrested After Death of Officer Won't be any screaming at the sky protests or hair pulling here, or sitting during the anthem over this. CNN probably barely interupted stormy coverage for this story. This is why police have itchy fingers.
  16. Nah, i very rarely ignore but you're a particularly annoying troll, I bet your grant or tiberious lol. See ya.
  17. Not sure why i'm even arguing this but sorry getting a ribbing because you have a suit at a bar is not the same as a grp of dbags that are intent on doing actual physical or mental harm to someone that a group has deemed weaker...i'm mostly talking about children because adults should be able to handle themselves. Children should be able to get an education without said dbags terrorizing them daily. Sounds like this shooting in some part had this going on, plus I know it goes on intensely in school, my daughter tells me she sees it non stop, from the bus ride all thru the day, and once again on the bus ride home again. Its an issue, this was my only point to start with.
  18. lol @ you Its not natural and its a cowardly act performed by cowards. Nice deflection tho.
  19. BAA I would say the issue of bullying is far worse than the issue of guns... Ganging up and harassing others at almost all levels is at an epidemic level... So maybe dems should help with banning of hate? nah i doubt it, their whole agenda is hate based.
  20. thats it Im going to hold my breath til they bring back tt
  21. Per Newsweek Top Democrat Warns GOP Unmasking FBI Informant to Derail Russia Probe May Be 'Illegal'
  22. 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi 'peach fody fi
  23. yep distract, lefties screaming at the sky get rid of guns, all other rights etc etc etc
  24. Rudy Giuliani Offers A Head-Spinning New Defense Of Trump This whole thing is just like the exorcist, according to yahoo.
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