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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. /agree 100% ... these liberal shills are getting more desperate, I won't engage them but i root for them to keep it up.
  2. C'mon does anybody really believe that kim guy is serious about anything more than a free trip and unlimited mcdonalds? He does have great pant suits tho, they remind me of hillary's duds . zero chance that dude gives up his rockets, cnn will consider the talks a victory because they are fail tho, there is that. Btw, has stormy commented on all this yet?
  3. oh i was going to post, i just realized this is a liberal drool fest.
  4. he's obviously feckless. Does his mad-on mean no milk bag imports?
  5. cmon, the peterman fan club, that would never happen. You know the fan club i'm talking about.
  6. I'm rapidly becoming disinterested in football, but i will be rooting for josh to be good just because i know so many will be rooting hard against him. Here's hoping for lots of triggering when josh throws multiple td's in one game.
  7. were the wgr guys snarky to him
  8. mmmm ....gay cakes....
  9. Bill Maher Hopes for ‘Crashing Economy’ to Get Rid of Trump — ‘Bring on the Recession’ Friday on HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher admitted he was hoping for the American economy to falter because he said that was the one way to “get rid” of President Donald Trump. Maher acknowledged the economy was good for now but said he felt like the bottom could “fall out at some point.” “That’s my question — I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I’m hoping for it because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy,” Maher said. “So please, bring on the recession. Sorry if that hurts people but it’s either root for a recession, or you lose your democracy. liberals are the real feckless ****s.
  10. king obama has diplomatic immunity, should be pretty obvious all the dems do.
  11. Another backdoor tygod post. why don't you guys root for cleveland?
  12. In other news jeremy the sjw drooled over star wars solo so i know it must be bad. thanks for saving me 25 bucks jer.
  13. Over 1,000 Shot in Gun-Controlled Chicago Year-To-Date Where's all the outrage race baiters...is it because this probably isn't all being perpetrated by a white middle aged guy.
  14. you do if you can't get cnn or yahoo, not much more than social justice commentary on there, yea that and the constant snarky back handed attacks on josh allen.
  15. Is it me or is that icon portraying a black man decapitating a white rhino?
  16. his caustic hatred towards whitey has consumed him.
  17. You like conspiracies ...check this out MELANIA'S DISAPPEARED GAIS !!!!
  18. Thank god for hillary ! Since she's lost, the looney left, the race baiters, and the idiotic bloggers in the media are killing it for Republicans. I doubt most of the morons even believe their half witted rhetoric, most are just looking for their five minutes of fame. Todays winner: MELANIA HAS DISAPPEARED GAIS! TRUMP DID IT!!!!!
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