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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. chelsea clinton says to open the border to everyone !! lalalala
  2. Obama Admin Approved 50,000+ DACA Amnesty Applicants with Criminal Records Democrats have viewed DACA migrants through rose-colored glasses. In February, Rep. Nancy Pelosi declared on the Hosue floor that We recognize that they are a blessing to America … the dreamers are all over our country, Mr. Speaker, they are a blessing so across the board …
  3. Fighting fire the democrat way. or was this taken during the obama era?
  4. remember when black panther used to be batman
  5. Its pretty suspicious that this kid propaganda came out right when that IG report came out this is what the dims do, deflect, it should be obvious to everyone by now.
  6. the above moron probably has 10 different alias and spends a great deal of time talking to herself.
  7. America is so horrible... full of white nazis, who torture and hold back everyone not white, led by a terrible monster of a leader...and yet, people are desperate to come here... by the tens of thousands....drawn here by the democrat slave masters, who will do or say anything to get votes, at their idiot sycophants expense.
  8. Why do you guys even respond to tib the angry white female liberal troll bot lol... she probably gets no real attention except on this board. At first i wanted to ignore her stupidity, now i'm just amused, just another pelosi, maxi, deniro sycophant driveling nonsense.
  9. BAM Illegal Aliens Using Minors to Enter U.S. Increased 315 Percent Since Last Year and why illegal immigration push? let's thank our democrat friends for encouraging it. Maga.
  10. barging in, demanding stuff, using children...
  11. Ok, i'll bite. nope i don't care. I would rather my taxes go to take care of hungry and homeless US citizens. Not giving out free stuff just because people come barging in, demanding stuff. get real. If you have hungry and homeless people you don't have room for any more.
  12. I'm screaming at the sky, tears streaming down my face, fists clenched in fury, when i think about manafort's children ARRRGHHHH...GOD NO WHY WHY WHY
  13. You have to admit these are entertaining days indeed...when the media starts quoting the bible to back up illegal activity, it really just doesn't get much better than this. All this stuff to me is way more fun than the nfl, nba or hollywood crappy films, by a mile. quoting the bible, HAHAHAHA
  14. Why are people coming here breaking the law?
  15. Actually the captain cheeseburger label should belong to your ex god obama, I can remember every time cnn was on there was a puff piece on where they were slobbering over reporting what kind of burger obama and good ol unca joe ate that day. And, if you don't have a bible quote backing your post it's not legit.
  16. click bait. the op is trying lure out white racists, with an article about black on white racism, which according to the left doesn't even exist. Do they have a bible quote somewhere backing killing white people I wonder?
  17. Is gator an angry far left liberal white female does anyone know he/she reminds me so much of one i know
  18. I'm still waiting for the answer to why do democrats have OCD about illegal immigrants? Do any of these people have even the slightest clue or care about long term ramifications of this? It's astonishing to me that a group people are demanding that our taxes be spent on taking care of people who just sneak in and become squatters... why aren't these same democrats showing the same fervent fever of humanity towards homeless people or hungry people, who are from the US?
  19. You can when you're to the left, those guys have diplomatic immunity.
  20. O WOW that is an outrageous statement there. Might have been some truth in there, but he can't dive head first into tackles tho.
  21. Yea man, don't waste your breath, their hatred of trump has trumped any rational thought. They wish for the economy to crash, pray that Nk doesn't denuclearize, side with ms13 , all because for some weird reason they hate the elected POTUS, and the people who voted for him. So UN-AMERICAN to disrespect the office. They should go to Canada, or all move to california and form their own cultist colony of hate.
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