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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. One of the first thoughts that went thru my head days before the hurricane was that the media was probably preparing attacks on Trump ...these people use deaths, disasters and porn stars to push their agenda, it's beyond despicable. Republicans better grow a pair soon.
  2. There's been so many bad bills seasons, i feel like when i hear some say I can't remember anything it was the 60's, I feel the same way, can't remember any seasons, its the Bills.
  3. Good. I might become more interested in the game again. Really have hated starting the season 0-2 all these years.
  4. Everything is ok, she is here to handle this.
  5. George W, didn't dislike him, and wasn't very interested in politics, but he used to crack me up.
  6. CNN’s Jake Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis https://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/09/18/cnns-jake-tapper-dedicates-segment-to-trumps-penis/ gasp.
  7. I watch the Giants, I think they may be in trouble. Should have taken Darnold. Oline is just as bad as the bills, maybe worse.
  8. I still agree 100% that they got rid of TT, and took a chance on Nate. I guess that's what the people consider racist, so i must be a racist.
  9. Not holding my breath. They aren't sweating, this will never hit anywhere but Bbart and Hannity... Will be under the carpet and forgotten in a week or two. Let the impeachments begin, lets just move onto socialism and raise my taxes, the country is a mess, the left will never stop and are 100% in control. Everyone better start damage control and pretend they are democrats, at this point I wouldn't discount camps for trump voters at some point in the future. Why bother being a republican anymore? you get nothing.
  10. It's too bad he can't claim he's being lynched.
  11. fixed it for you.
  12. Let's give him a medal for trying to get dirt on such an obviously crooked individual. All those interests don't converge enough to form a first grade connect a dot flower.
  13. Nope, not me, thanks to colin I'm straddling the 'don't give a **** about football' fence. I'm just rubber necking at this point.
  14. I agree with this, it appears that the bills just don't have much talent on their team. i must admit I was on board with the process from the get go, in hind sight it looks to be one of those bad ideas.
  15. Riiiight..thats why democrats are running around screaming like children, threatening people, arm flapping etc...OR maybe yes, the right is being attacked and are victims because they won't fight back. Weird, because if you listen to the left, the right are violent fascists..but, according to tibs the right are toothless victims. The left are just manic and change their minds literally, daily.
  16. well there's their weekly three we can all go golf now.
  17. what week will the bills offense get a td? will they at all...vikings then green bay, yikes.
  18. They wont even lose correct I can see these guys bumbling into 6 wins at the end of the season to once again give them the tenth pick.
  19. Funny, I had a friend like tib. all he ever did was talk about his abnormal hatred of Trump, racism and bigotry. Constantly, non stop. It's hard to believe that there really are people like that poster.
  20. Whats going to happen after the elections, have the socialists promised to pay for the stadium?
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