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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. C'mon we all know where this is going... soft democrat Trump hating judge gives poor Jessie a break, because wink wink its trumps fault, son. Now, he's a liberal hero and makes a boatload of dough.
  2. ...which makes her a perfect fit for the Hillary/TDS/CNN crowd
  3. Whoa ... the nazi party rising... As a side note , is it me or does nancy have dead eyes, like a shark.
  4. Washington Post... lol, you guys still buying into those fake ass polls.
  5. The lefties went completely crazy when Melania Trump was out of sight for about a month in May 2018... Fantasizing that the president had done something to her and what not. And yet, not hardly a word from the left about Rbg. Odd indeed.
  6. You just call it a scam because it wasn't a libtard training center.
  7. At 13 secs, pelosi's hair grab, and the fight to not scowl, and then a crooked half smile is hilarious too.
  8. She's not high fiv'ing anyone tho. Are they going to photoshop Rbg in later?
  9. He is amusing, that's for sure.
  10. First super bowl I have missed since 1983, the first i ever saw. The gap between NE and every other team in the league makes me sick to my stomach. The NO call has me convinced the nfl is being run somewhat like wrestling, I like these forums and all, but i have had enough of the nfl.
  11. ...we should be happy the left stops at this, they could push for abortions up to 18, provided they are wearing maga hats.(and maybe get it if they pull the 'right' judge)
  12. He had no choice but to lift the shutdown. All the nonsense that would have happened with or wo the shut down at the super bowl would literally have kept the hate party and their talking heads busy with trump propaganda for months. Actually a very shrewd move on Trumps part. I wouldn't be surprised if the left had some 'things' planned for the SB. "The art of the kneel" If anyone knows about kneeling it's hollywood.
  13. New details reveal suspects fired at Jazmine Barnes' vehicle by mistake Here's yahoo.com's bull#### take on it. Some Ahole liberal judge will take this info into consideration. And here's the white guy in the red truck...
  14. Funny, that's exactly how many on this board could describe you.
  15. Just say 'white people' you racist cowardly pos.
  16. ....and once again the cheese puff bills roll over and show their belly to the not so mighty anymore pats.
  17. ....BWHAHAHAHAHA...
  18. tee hee - the orangemanbad's seem really agitated today!
  19. Hmm, maybe tibs and friends need to back off their socialism party plans for a bit...
  20. WOW. mic drop if these statistics are true.
  21. Good thing I wasn't drinking milk when I read this.
  22. then again, you don't need to think to feel.
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