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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. UH OH I sense a whole new group of meltdown youtube videos incoming....
  2. wtf ...his left eyebrow looks like it goes up about 2 inches higher than the right... Why do so many democrats have speech issues and weird facial tics
  3. There's probably five-ten times as many domestic spies/ gov't subcontractors harassing and spying on 'regular' Americans. It's getting to be one of the biggest industries.
  4. I'm dying to see the size of the settlement this jussie idiot gets when the smoke clears.
  5. yikes..this is going to be the average person in the US in 25 years.
  6. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options
  7. The corruption has already entrenched itself in too deeply. By the time people realize what has happened, there won't be enough firearms left, let along pitchforks to do anything about it. Chicago will be the political model the rest of the country will be using moving forward. I'd be shocked if Trump wasn't on the verge of throwing in the towel for 2020.
  8. Look ...it's Popeye and Olive Oyl
  9. Yea but in the real world cults blather about the end of the world, and kill babies with koolaid.
  10. All that rage is only going to end with a heart attack. you should watch that at your age. Personally, point taken. I would definitely stay off your lawn.
  11. I was hoping the truth about creepy joe would stay somewhat undercover, imagine the glory it would have been for Trump to unleash this late...oh, my... Now they have time to soften, spin and lie to normalize this guys behavior.
  12. What a weasel, whining and butt hurt about being attacked. What is this whack job hiding.
  13. I listen to a lot of fox internet talk radio, and nothing gets me to change the station faster than marie harf and juan williams.
  14. Ok....can we just stop with the white privilege screeching now.
  15. It's so appropriate DICK is number one on that list. He's despicable.
  16. Beat me to it. cnn must be proud of their love child.
  17. I prefer the maxine waters pronunciation, 'pootin' That's what the dems do, a whole lot of verbal pootin.
  18. Her sour puss right there sums it up well. No matter what these jackasses say, it's just a bad time for the Trump despising lame stream media mouthpieces. The party is...over.
  19. That droopy eye makes me think he might be ready to stroke out.
  20. Per Maxine Waters Waters said, “This president has a way of trying to get into people’s heads. He has been saying no collusion, no collusion over and over again for a long time. He’s going try to conclude that this report is proven that there is no collusion and you have a lot of his sycophants who’ll take the nod from him and they’ll say the same thing. We can’t allow them to get away with this. He does this all the time. This is not the end of anything. Well, it is to end the report and the investigation by Mueller but those of us who share these committees with our oversight because there are so much that needs to be taken a look at. it is not the end of everything.” Time for people to recognize the democrat politicians are wasting our tax money doing absolutely nothing.
  21. I call this tib's hope chest.
  22. He's so visibly angry he's spitting all over the place Al Pacino style.....hahahaha What a full blown tard.
  23. Lol..looking at the 'Russia' links section tells anyone what they need to know about that site. also...'Posted on June 4, 2018, 9:33 am' by 3 bloggers..c'mon man
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