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  1. I'd give you 100 bucks to go and spam your commie bs on say the chiefs website.
  2. It's said on these boards over and over...leftists are complete dummies. Burn a tesla, save democracy. F'in idiot communists leave the country please.
  3. A picture is worth a thousand words. Go woke, go broke, amirite bob?
  4. Your old cult leader sleepy joe killed all the chickens.
  5. You mean like republicans didn't have to do much with all the commie bs, sleepy joe, kamala and all the clowns LOL @ you. Nobody listens or cares about your sore loser crying. Go wreck a tesla or something.
  6. Democrats f^%k everything up everything they touch - see any American city They rile up fringe groups telling them they are victims and can't help themselves, and the only thing besides that that they stand for is a firm 'HATE TRUMP NO MATTER WHAT THE COST' message.
  7. Tesla's are a threat to democracy! Lol an actual nazi projecting
  8. You just defined Democrats to a T, and you forgot one other thing Democrats do well.. Rules for radicals, accuse the enemy of what you're doing, it keeps them off balance.
  9. It's not cheating if Democrats do it.
  10. oh silly me and I thought this topic was about You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Homelander. Options You've chosen to ignore content by 4th&long. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Roundybout. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Trump_is_Mentally_fit. .....the TBD TDS MB edition
  11. Estimate? how about the estimate that the country is already practically bankrupt which isn't an estimate but a fact, ya moron. Communists, always running out of other peoples money.
  12. Best response ever.
  13. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/moodys-says-us-fiscal-strength-140210736.html NEW YORK (Reuters) -Ratings agency Moody's said on Tuesday that the U.S.' fiscal strength is on track for a continued multi-year decline as budget deficits widen and debt becomes less affordable. The agency said in a report that the country's fiscal health deteriorated further since Moody's lowered its outlook on the U.S. triple-A rating in November 2023. Not sure how the lefties are going to spin this on Trump (they will) , but this is what happens when you've run up the credit card. Someone had to step in and make the hard decision to cut ALOT of fat. Or we in big trouble, yo.
  14. This sounds serious, like the pee tape!
  15. They will need to keep this one at the top, the 'rats haven't had anything resembling a win in a long time, lol.
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