Would of been so Billsy to loose this one, but they did not.
Lets root for Houston tonight.
Go 3-2 down the stretch and you have a good chance to get the wildcard"
ps Anyone know how Bills, Raven's, Chargers tie breakers are looking ?
I thought it will happen give it 5-10 years. They do not seem to want anything to do with a new stadium despite the league saying otherwise every chance they get let alone the headaches on and off the field. But then I remember reading the Kim is the real football fan and perhaps she and the family will want to keep it.
I heard a Bills player (maybe Wood) this week mention that were going to see who the true leaders are on this team wit there performance on the filed, I wonder if it was reference to Lorax.
Milano did play more snaps yesterday, he looked lost as well.
Been seeing allot of knee shot tackles in secondaries league wide the past few weeks. Good to know hopefully will will not loose Benjamin longterm for a ACL.
If they are going to stick to this offense, and Peterman is not the answer for next season I like the idea of Bridgewater health and price dependant of course.