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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. Man that Toronto series was horrendous. I think Washington was the only team we beat there. Last game there was Atlanta I believe
  2. I think we were like 0-7 at the time. I don't remember much of the game either, other than roscoe perish had a really good game but got hurt and went to IR.
  3. The 2010 bears game was in Toronto and we gave them a good run for the money but still lost.
  4. I hope he gets healthy and they can re work his contract. He's a great player when healthy. Would rather retain him with a better contract than trade him
  5. Yes and then we went and lost to a bad raiders team the next week
  6. I would rather have Felton than Tolbert. Neither were very productive. Wasn't Felton a good special teamer though?
  7. You don't have to act like a drunken fool to enjoy tailgating. I was making the point that it's part of the fun/experience.
  8. I would just say be careful what you wish for. Downtown stadiums do not have near the tailgating experience that a stadium like New era has, and let's be honest, half the fun of going to a bills game is the tail gating.
  9. Indy has to be the quietest stadium in the NFL. Even when they make plays or a call goes their way, it's so quiet
  10. You're missing the point. People who go to bills games that live in rochester arnt going to see the city, they're going to support their favorite team. If you've ever had to drive home after a bills game and you live outside Buffalo, you know how much it sucks. A stadium outside downtown makes more sense and I'd love it
  11. Maybe not, but I can tell you I'd prefer that over downtown Buffalo 100% wrong. I would never ever spend a weekend in Buffalo. Building a stadium downtown might be great for people aged 18-25, but anyone over 30 who lives outside buffalo would. Much rather avoid a down town stadium. I'm speaking of people from Rochester, Erie and Toronto. Not people who live out of state.
  12. Because ALOT of fans that at are the games are not from Buffalo. I live in Rochester and anytime I've gotten food after a game or went to a bar after the game it was after we got back to Rochester. Their is not a whole lot around New era field and my guess is they want to develop some undeveloped land and make it a destination. Much like what the Patriots did with Gillette stadium
  13. Is this the final star wars? Or are the new ones a trilogy?
  14. I don't think Miami is gonna look like the team we saw Monday night, but I could see this game being an overtime game much like last year.
  15. At least Dunkirk Don has made it entertaining around here for a few days
  16. I think Hughes stays. Their has to be at least ONE guy here that has attitude. Plus Hughes is a great player
  17. Talking proud was probably fun at the time, but is awful in today's standards
  18. So why did McDermott veto the trade? Did you ever get an explanation for that
  19. I will say, having driven to medina plenty of times that there is a ton of open space between Batavia and Buffalo. This would be my guess
  20. 2026 superbowl : Batavia NY. Man that'd be wierd
  21. Everything you've said makes sense, but why now? The pegulas have said many times they're not even thinking of a new stadium. Did they change their minds, or did something make them change their minds?
  22. Let see a throw from Webb to Tyrod. That'd be fun
  23. I think Kyle wants to be on this team when we finally get to the playoffs. Hopefully this year
  24. I like the stadium being east of Buffalo. This makes sense and will free up traffic
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