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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. Only thing I can think is McDermott sees how bad the o line is struggling and maybe brought in tight ends for blocking needs?
  2. It means we should win this game by 20 points. If we win by let's say 6, I'll be much more worried about this season than I already am
  3. If the bills win this game by less than 9, we are not winning more than 4 games. We should absolutely annihilate the jets
  4. I remember last year when Williams wasn't getting alot of reps/carries and fans were getting upset by it. Maybe the coaches know something we don't.
  5. Could see Jones being cut as we have alot of running backs. Hope not though, that dude is fast
  6. Did anyone REALLY believe he quit so he could tend to social issues? Cmon. He knows the bills arnt good
  7. "he hasent completed a significant throw downfield" - except the one to zay in the eagles game, which was about as good of a deepnthrow as it gets. Also, Taylor hasent completed a throw down field in the entire pre season. I'll cut him a little slack due to the fact he didn't play alot. But I keep hearing how Peterman is a rookie. So? He's played better than anyone expected and the kid looks to have "it"
  8. One of the knocks on Peterman is "arm strength". This has always been the biggest crock of non sense Imo. I bet if you were line up Taylor and Peterman in the same spot and had them throw a football as far as they could, the difference would be minimal. I understand you have to be able to zip a ball and you have to be strong, however arm strength to me is so incredibly overrated
  9. For a second when I read the headline I thought we traded Charles Clay.
  10. Pretty happy they kept Rb Jones. Unless I missed the cut. That dude is so fast in open space
  11. Not saying he's anything special. But bile chick always finds ways to make his team successful. I coukd see him being good in the Patriots system, but terrible with another team (ie. Matt Cassel)
  12. He threw for 341 yards and 4 tds Thursday night. If ANY Bills qb did that we'd be crowning him the starter
  13. Would be really surprised if they let him go. I don't know what more he could've done to make this team
  14. If he got cut by the Browns, he litterally is beyond terrible
  15. I know it's the 4th pre season game against scrubs, but watching wenning drive down the field and make throws with one day's practice leaves me with even less hope for Tyrod
  16. Interesting that some got the ticket for free. I re newed my contract in June. Asked for the ticket free and the guy told me they couldn't do it. Told me to call in August to see if they had any promotions. Was pissed because I've always gotten Sunday ticket free when I re new my contract. Called back last week and they offered me Sunday ticket max for $30 a month for 4 months. I caved in and did it. The woman wouldn't budge. I've never ever had to pay for the ticket after renewing my contract. Still a bit bitter about it
  17. If Tyrod plays lousy against the jets next week, people will be calling for his head and begging for Peterman to start. Theirs this argument that Petermans completion percentage in the pre season is only 50%. What is tyrods? I don't care a bit what a qbs completion percentage is, I care if he can make critical throws and get the ball out quickly to his recievers. I'm willing to bet we will see Peterman start at some point this year, whether due to injury or Taylor playing very badly
  18. Pretty sure (just assuming here obviously) that Tyrod will be fine for the opener. He walked off the field on his own. I have no doubt he has a concussion, but I don't think he'll be out the next 2 weeks
  19. Interesting that the votes are split 50/50 for Tyrod and Peterman. This will continue alllllll season. Especially if Peterman plays well this Thursday
  20. My vote is for Peterman and here's why. He was thrown into the fire very early in the game. I highly doubt he had any first team reps this week, yet did a respectable job with alot of good throws coming back because of stupid penaltys that wernt his fault. Peterman has something that Tyrod doesn't. Yes he's a rookie and he makes mistakes. In 3 weeks of preseason, he's looked better than our starting qb, whether it be with the ones, twos or threes. I give Taylor 2 weeks in the regular season and if he looks as bad as he has the last 3 weeks, let Peterman start the rest of the year
  21. Valid point. But you can kinda see he has something that Tyrod doesn't
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