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Posts posted by Steptide

  1. 15 minutes ago, Dan said:

    Does the Raiders game not count?


    Definitely does. I guess maybe cuz of what we saw in last year's raiders game  I just was never comfortable until the very end. Still would be nice to see the bills just blow out the saints 

  2. Was a little disappointed that season 2 was only 9 episodes, but thought it was great over all. I thought they could've made the last 2 episodes a bit better and maybe done 10 or 11 episodes to add more depth but whatever. 


    I think the writing is great. I litterally feel like I'm watching a show from the 80s. Whoever is responsible for costume and design on this show should get an award. 

  3. 46 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:


    I was gonna say the same.


    Boxers are much more likely to die in the ring or shortly after due to brain damage


    standing 8 counts and the long count make boxers take much more punishment than a knockdown and finish in MMA


    MMA has more superficial wounds because the gloves tend to open more cuts 


    but boxers get absolutely punished in 10-12 round fights 


    You'll have to forgive me, I don't watch a whole lot of mma (assuming that's the same thing as ufc), but I've read that it's way worse than boxing. I actully heard the Dr from the concussion movie (forget his name) that said he thinks mma/ufc should be banned due to the danger of the potential brain damage it causes. I really don't know much about it. The few fights I've seen were brutal. I can't imagine it's any less risky than boxing. My feeling on it is, these are grown adults that know the risk and get paid alot. They have the tight to choose what they do. Same goes for football 

  4. 1 hour ago, Shotgunner said:

    I think Bob Costas is right. 


    CTE not only hurts the players, and will scare off tons of new talent, but also forces unpopular rule changes.


    Prospective players don't want to play as much, and viewers don't want to watch as much, as well as costing the NFL hundreds of millions on it.


    Gone the way of boxing. It will be a long, slow death by a thousand cuts.


    Boxing died due to ufc, which is WAY more violent than boxing itself. As long as the NFL is a huge cash cow, it will never go away. While CTE will probably always be a part of football, technology is always improving and helmets and treatment can always get better without destroying the NFL product 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Gray Beard said:

    Every time somebody starts one of those "guess the score" threads I guess a losing score for the Bills.  I just can't seem to make myself optimistic.  But then I watch with my heart thumping and my nerves frayed.  My wife doesn't understand.  I'm not sure I do either.


    This made me laugh because it's so true. I don't know why I get so worked up during games. 

  6. I really thought we'd win the jets game, but thought it'd be a hard fought game all game. I still think the bills performance against the jets was a bit of a fluke. 


    Having said that, I don't know what to think about the bills vs saints. Last time the saints played here (2009 I think?) the bills actually played them very well until the 4th quarter. That was a much worse bills team and a much better saints team (in my opinion). I have no idea how the saints will handle Buffalo weather and the crowd noise. 


    I want more than anything to win but I can see the saints blowing us out by 25 points. Or the bills winning by 10. I seriously have no idea what to think about this game 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Happy Gilmore said:


    I'm wondering why GB at Chicago has such a large televised area - from the Rocky mountain states to Pacific coast.  


    Good question. Bills/saints is definitely a more intriguing game. 6-2 vs 5-3 or greenbay vs Chicago. Fox should put the bills on for most of the country 

  8. 13 hours ago, BuffaloMatt said:

    Need to Blitz or more than 4 man rush. Pressure is key. Look what jets did to us.


    McDermott said you can't really pressure a gut like Brees, only manage him. I'd be dropping 7 guys in coverage every down. Only blitz on down and long. 

  9. Ironically I actually think our passing game is gonna be good this weekend. I can see new Orleans either over compensating for Benjamin, or under compensating for him letting other recievers make big plays. What the bills really need to do is get both the run game and pass game gong, and hope that Brees has an off day throwing the ball 

  10. 10 hours ago, PastaJoe said:

    Prayers don't seem to be working since this is happening in houses of prayer. God must be tired of us asking him to solve our problems because too many are afraid to stand up to the gun lobby.


    I dont even own a gun, but gun laws arnt gonna do anything. People obtain guns illegally everyday. Someone who wants to kill and shoot a group of people doesn't care if his gun is legal. On top of that, as we've seen in recent times, people are driving trucks and cars through groups of people. Someone who wants to go on a killing spree will find a way regardless. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    This is why people were so disgusted over the jets game. We have Pats x 2 @ KC and the saints left...Season is most likely over because of Thursday. I hope something crazy happens and we can beat these good teams. I just don’t see it happening


    We also have the Dolphins twice and the Colts and Chargers. All winnable. 

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