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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. He was a projected 3rd round pick. He fell to the 5th fortunately for us. Was the most nfl ready qb in the class according to experts. All you have to do is watch him play to know he's a better pocket Passer than Taylor. Is he the future? Who knows, but I'd take my chances the next 7 games. We also have 5 high draft picks in 2018. Zero risk and lots of reward
  2. Peterman looks like he did in pre season. Very good. Makes the throws that Tyrod doesnt/can't. Amazing how much better the o-line looks when the ball comes out quickly. Here's what's important, if they had left Tyrod in the game, would he have done what Peterman did? My answer is no. Yes he played well against the jets late in the game, but tyrods biggest consistency is his inconsistencies. Make the switch
  3. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt a little here. He played horrendous and then his backup came in and got cheered on. It was probably tough to swallow. Having said that, it's time to move on from Taylor. He hasent shown an ounce of improvement over 3 seasons.
  4. Hes had plenty of sh!Tty games. Enough is enough. Yes he played well under pressure last week, but he is what he is. Misses recievers and holds the ball way too long. At what point do we just move on? It's interesting that McDermott is so dead set on Tyrod as the starter when they've been so willing to just let good talent walk (Sammy, Darby, woods, Dareus etc). This coaching staff cant be so blind not to know that Tyrod is just not it
  5. No, McDermott gave his typical answers. "we'll watch tape and try and get better" "it starts with me" blah blah
  6. He definitely did. He looked completely crushed, like his wife just left him or something
  7. Tyrod is the only qb I've ever seen that can get his o line killed
  8. I wish I could post the write ups on Tyrod prior to him being drafted and the write up on Peterman prior to him being drafted. If someone has those please post them here.
  9. It is incredible people don't realize what Taylor is yet.
  10. And that's exactly the difference between Taylor and Peterman. You can see Peterman gets the ball to his recievers quickly. Tyrod waits WAY too long. The match up on banjamin today was like David and Goliath. Tyrod should've been throwing to him all day
  11. I think the scheme is only horrendous because Taylor makes it that way. He's not supposed to hold onto the ball for 3 or 4 seconds. Peterman gets the ball out alot quicker. Get the pass game going and you open things up for shady. Is it really a coincidence that Peterman comes in and puts up 80 yards in 3 mins?
  12. Definitely not coaching. McDermott is still fine with me. His defense definitely needs to step up, but we've had 3 years of Tyrod and we've seen what he is
  13. Just speculating here, but he looked/sounded like he was completely crushed. Looked almost humiliated(not from the game) . I suspect change is coming. Just my gut feeling
  14. Is it just me, or does Peterman just look like such a better quarterback? I mean all the fundamentals you have to have to be an NFL qb, like height, throwing guys open, seeing the field etc. Man I'm so over Taylor
  15. I did hear one of the bills fans f-bombing him in his ear
  16. I said the day before the season started on here that I had zero expectations of this season. Even all the talk the last 2 weeks from national media how we were playoff bound etc. I never believed it. We've done this song and dance one too many times to believe we were gonna make the playoffs after 5 wins. Is it still possible? Yes. But I fear this team unfortunately is exactly what we thought they were. A 5 or 6 win team. Tyrod is who he is. Even in the wins, he just isn't gonna be "thee" guy. I'm all for starting Peterman. Tyrod has shown little to no improvement through 9 games. Looking at our schedule, it's gonna be awfully tough to get 10 wins. Especially if this team plays how they did the last 2 games. I fear these last 7 games could be brutal to watch. But as a true fan, I'll be there every sunday cheering on my team. Go bills
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