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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. McDermott is gonna get killed by the media this week. This is gonna be a brutal week
  2. Serious question, assuming we lose today, where are we in the playoff standings?
  3. Peterman has to take sacks. He's forcing the ball out. It's OK to take a sack now and then
  4. It is weird. He looks like he pushes the ball rather than throws it
  5. Peterman looks nervous, and rightfully so. Once he settles in I think he'll be alright
  6. Meanwhile, redskins put up 10 points on new Orleans in 1st quarter...
  7. Hows this sound, as the Brady years are coming to an end, the Peterman years have now begun..... I like it
  8. I could see a team giving up a 3rd for him, but in be shocked to see as high as a 2nd round pick for him. Who knows though, the Browns might give up a 1 for him lol
  9. Peterman's completion percentage has hovered around 60% between pre season and last week. This coukd be because of lack of playing time, or it's just gonna be what he averages. If he throws alot, I actually think it'll be closer to 70%. I'm thinking right around 250yards which is pretty good for a rookie in his first start. The coaches may play it really safe and run alot today and not over load Peterman, but I'm really hoping to see him throw alot today
  10. SHOULD being the key word. Chargers are better than their record, but I agree the bills should win. Though after the last few weeks and just being a fan of the bills for so long, I don't trust them to do anything
  11. Taylor has had 40ish games, and 4 years before that to pre pare. Taylor has had his fair chance in Buffalo
  12. I guess I'm not plane savvy. What is a 747-400?
  13. I'd bet $100 this doesn't happen minus Peterman throwing 6 interceptions in the first 2 quarters
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