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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. I say keep everything as is and just expand the playoffs to 14 teams with 3 wildcard teams in each conference
  2. A fifth rounder yes. If it was Mahomes I wouldn't question it
  3. This is something I've questioned since pre season. Imo, Tyrod was never gonna be here past 2017. So in theory I could see the bills drafting Peterman as a backup because Manuel was gone. But here is where I get confused. If Peterman was drafted as a backup, why start him now? I can't imagine the bills drafted a 5th rounder thinking he's our future. My guess is the plan is to draft a qb in 18. But again, why would you start Peterman if you're going to just draft a qb in 2018? Has Peterman shown something that made them think he could potentially be a long term starter? And if by some miracle he does show promise this season, then do they not draft a qb in the high rounds next year? Are the bills gonna fall into the same trap they always have?
  4. That was the year the Dolphins introduced the wildcat and went 11-5 to beat out the Patriots for the division. Pretty crazy the Pats missed the playoffs at 11-5 that year. The afc was just that good
  5. Yes, and struggled with the jets last year after getting a contract. He definitely had some awful moments, but in hindsight keeping him in the 13/14 seasons would've probably played out much better for the bills
  6. This is my issue with McDermott and his "win now and for the future" philosophy. If you were really trying to win now, you would change the scheme up to fit the current players and then next year change the scheme to fit those players. They are just simply running their own scheme and expecting players to run it well
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if we had retained Fitz in 2013 and brought in some good recievers, that we would've made the playoffs. Think of Fitz with those 2013 and 2014 teams. Think we could've possibly made the playoffs those years with him. He definitely wasn't the long term answer by any means. But Imo he is better than Ej and Kyle Orton and it's debatable if he's better than Tyrod
  8. I believe you could do the same on defense. As ridiculous as it sounds, I'd start blitzing on almost every down. What difference does it make? Teams are torching our secondary regardless. Start pressuring the qb
  9. True, but we've had quite a few good starts only to be let down. The sad thing is, of all those good starts, the only team that we beat that was really good was the Pats in 2011. Every other team I can think of beating in these hot starts was never really good that particular year, unless I'm forgetting someone
  10. Thing is I never really did this year. I went into this season with zero expectations. What is disappointing to me is the enormous drop off that happened after the raiders game. I could at least respect if we lost the last 3 games in a respectable fashion, but I got Nothin
  11. Other two? We went 4-2 last year, in 2014 we started 5-3 and back in 04 we were 9-6 and I shouldn't even have to tell you how that ended.
  12. You could fix this team in a week if they would change up the scheme a little on offense.
  13. Even the saints game shouldn't have been a blowout though. The redskins pretty much dominated the saints all game yesterday. It's pretty sad our starting offense could only put up 3 points on them at home. Redskins put up 31 points against them in New Orleans. I know though, any given Sunday
  14. Interesting. I remember those 3 games in 2011, but I actually forgot how badly we lost in those games.
  15. I'd definitely have to say yes. I know we got beat down by teams in those previous years where the bills started hot, but I don't remember having 3 straight games where the bills just got completely annihilated after starting so well. I've been dwelling on what happened to this team the last few weeks. 2 and half weeks ago, the national media was praising the bills and all talking how we were going back to the playoffs this year. It's absolutely mind boggling that 2 and a half weeks ago we were 5-2. I don't even recognize this team right now.
  16. Well, honestly this team could still realistically win 4 games. We all know Tyrod is gone next year, but I still wanna see this team try and get to the playoffs.
  17. McDermott took a huge risk starting Peterman, and it failed worse than I could've imagined. If I'm the coach, I hit the reset button, don't even watch the film, start Tyrod and move on. The one good thing to come of this disaster is that McDermott may have put a chip on tyrods shoulder
  18. Obviously Tyrod should be the starter until we're officially eliminated from the playoffs, but once that happens I'd like to see Peterman again. I seriously feel bad for the dude and hope his wife was at home waiting for him in her birthday suit lol. In all seriousness, the guy just wasn't ready and got thrown to the wolves a little bit. After digesting this game last night and this morning, I don't think peterman is as bad as what we saw yesterday, but he's obviously not ready to be a starter yet.
  19. Cadet was actually decent today. Hope he gets the plays over Tolbert
  20. Yes 5 interceptions, I know. But, what exactly happened? First, we won the coin toss and didn't defer to the 2nd half. I'm pretty sure this is the first time this year the bills have done that. Why? 2nd, Dennison was up in the booth calling plays for the first time this year. Not that I think this is really a game changer, but again why? Last, Peterman has looked cool, calm and collected in the times we've seen him. Just a week ago he came in and played well in a very short time. How does a guy come in and play as terrible as he did? Ironically, his first 2 passes looked great. A 1st down to clay and then to Benjamin. I don't know what happened after that. Just trying to make sense of today's disaster
  21. Meh, I think today was rock bottom. I don't know if it can get much worse. We're still in the playoff race (shockingly) so I'll still hope for the best this year.
  22. I was 100% behind starting Peterman. I don't think anyone thought he would be as bad as he was, even the people saying they should still start Taylor. That being said, it's obvious he is not ready, and tyrod should finish out the year. Or at least until they're eliminated from the playoffs. I still think Tyrod is not our future and his play 65% of the time is maddening. I would like to see Peterman play again, but not until we're officially eliminated from playoffs
  23. I do agree with the announcers, Tyrod is taking better shots down field
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