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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. The problem is, the bills will play not to lose. If by some miracle the bills have a lead in the 4th, even if it's only 3 points, they'll start running and go 3 and out. I said earlier in the week that the coaching staff is going to think they can win with sound, fundamental football and they can't. You either have to have a really good plan to keep Brady off the field, or you have to just go balls to the wall on offense and take shots all over the field. Do you really see that happening? Me either
  2. Ahh the good old days of the bbmb. How I miss the glory days of the board crashing after breaking news or a big loss. Or members such as saviour Edwards who I'm pretty sure was trent Edwards himself or a very close relative/friend.
  3. If I'm on the bills d line, I'd litterally do this to stop Brady. Seriously, Kyle, Hughes and Shaq all doing this woukd be unstoppable
  4. Alot of those pressures on Brady in that 03 game were from guys that were totally unblocked
  5. It worked 14 years ago! In all seriousness, these highlights never get old
  6. I may be wrong about this, and someone can correct me if they want, but I'm pretty sure the bills typically give the Pats a run for their money in New England more than they do at home. Not saying we can't beat them at home, but I like that we play them close together
  7. Other than the 08 season when Cassel started, has Brady ever even missed a game?
  8. I was litterally just about to post how tre will probably give up 3 TDs to Brady now
  9. Nice. We upset the packers wearing these in 2014. Maybe we can pull another upset. Doubt it though
  10. I give the bills a 2% chance of winning this Sunday. McDermott and the coaches will think they can beat the Patriots with sound, fundamental football and they can't. This is an entirely different animal McDermott is about to face and unfortunately he won't realize it until Sunday after noon at about 4:15pm. To win they must think outside the box. Which they won't
  11. This board is gonna be a hot mess at 4:15 on Sunday. I fully expect a big loss this week. However, indy and Miami should be 3 wins. It'll be interesting playing the Patriots games so close together. We'll see if it gives the bills any kind of edge. Doubt it though
  12. Bulldog doesnt bother me all that much. Schoop is overly argumentative all the time and it gets fairly annoying. Having said that, they do get some idiotic callers that go on and on and make really stupid points. When I listen to Murphy and Jones and some of the callers they take, I feel like my iq went down 20 points. I'm not sure what it is about sports that people have these absolutely absurd takes and just make themselves sound moronic on a live radio show. So while schoop is a douche quite often, I also can see why he sounds like he hates his life
  13. I want the bills to do something drastic this week with their game plan. I know McDermott and the staff believes they can just beat them with their own scheme. That's gonna be the most frustrating part watching this game. 3rd and 8 and you're gonna see a handoff to Mccoy for a 3 yard loss in the back field
  14. But how many teams blitz Brady on every single down? I know this doesnt typically work, but hit him/pressure him enough and it might save a td or two
  15. Let's play a little game. You're the coach and you come up with the game plan. What do you do? Here's what I'd do. On defense, I would blitz every single snap for the first 4 or 5 drives. While blitzing doesn't slow Brady down (usually), I think if you were to Blitz him on every down this would eventually throw off his game. If the blitzing continues to work, stick with it. If not, do a 3 man rush and drop everyone else in coverage. On offense, I would game plan to throw dump off passes for 5 yards all game long. Create short gains that wear down the clock and make long extended drives for the bills. If we score, onside kick on every kick off. Yes, every kick off. That sounds ridiculous, but at some point you're going to baffle the Pats and throw them off. I cannot see any scenario where we win this game playing the way the bills have played in these 12 weeks. I know that none of what I mentioned will happen. I'm just a fan that has watched the Patriots obliterate the bills the last 17 years
  16. I don't see Benjamin playing this week. I hope he does, but I can't see it if he has a torn miniscus
  17. This guy is keeping his left knee on the floor. Zays left knee doesn't actually touch the ground, so zay's actually looks alot cooler
  18. If you look closely, he's using his right foot planted to push himself up. Still looks super cool
  19. I don't feel bad for the chiefs because they're in the playoffs almost every year. I feel bad for the Browns and teams like them. I'm cheering on LA because they haven't made the playoffs since 2004(i think). Teams who are in the playoffs every year who are playing badly right now I dont care about.
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