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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. I'd be surprised if the weather's that bad that they risk putting Taylor out there with an injury. On the other hand, I don't know how Peterman would handle a snow game
  2. I agree. I was actually gonna post that the thing I love about it is that it just sounds like a regular song. It's not your typical Christmas song
  3. I did not read all the replys so I'm sure this one has been mentioned already, but the "all I want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey. Gets played in every single department store, grocery store and radio station 30 times a day for the last 20 years. Jimmy eat world's version of last Christmas is actually great.
  4. There's actually alot more big plays than what's shown here. Not a whole lot from the 14/15/16 seasons. Plus I remeber other games from the losman/Edwards era that arnt even shown on this. So your time wasn't a total loss lol
  5. So we still haven't established if their is any truth to this post. Just a poster taking a shot in the dark?
  6. I stated in another thread how if Peterman starts, we will see a lot of Joe web with the wildcat to take pressure off Peterman
  7. I miss the special teams of the bledsoe/losman/Edwards era. We should've kept Bobby april Those old uniforms were atrocious Mcgee was alot faster than I remembered him being I miss Sammy watkins Dick jauron and McDermott look very similar in clapping ability Wonder where we'd be had Marrone not left
  8. I miss the special teams of the bledsoe/losman/Edwards era. We should've kept Bobby april Those old uniforms were atrocious Mcgee was alot faster than I remembered him being
  9. I actually wanna see Peterman play this Sunday. But I'm curious as to how he'll play with the weather. I coukd also see the bills dumbing down the offense if he's starting and not letting him throw that much. Lots of run run pass
  10. If Peterman starts I could see Reilly on the field more because he has more reps with him. If Tyrod starts, he won't throw the ball anyway so..
  11. For me it wasn't so much a porn star killed herself, it was more a 23 year old girl who has her whole life ahead of her killed herself. It's someone daughter and family member, so in that respect it's a sad story to me. At the same time, I'm sure working in the porn industry isn't exactly great if you suffer from mental health issues as she had depression. Ya, looking at her pics, she has some where she looks drop dead gorgeous and others where not so much.
  12. Prior to the Pats game last week I was reading posts about taking out Bradys knee and you find it doubtful?
  13. The whole thing is interesting. To me anyway. She was found hung in her home the same day so I assume that's why they think it's related. Me personally? No not at all. Like I said I just found the story interesting
  14. Ya that's kind of the crazy thing with this whole situation. She clearly did not want to bang a gay dude due to health concerns and she got ridiculed for it, really really badly. I read some of the tweets people were tweeting her and they were brutal. As mentioned earlier though, she may have not been the most stable person
  15. It was a very bad hit, but if it was the other way around, their would be fans here applauding it. I have no doubt about that
  16. I read a few articles about it. Apparently their was a gay porn star that told her on Twitter to eat cyanide or something. They had some the tweets in the article. They were brutal. I agree. Just sad because that still someone's daughter/sister/friend etc.
  17. I read something on Instagram about it and then out of curiosity searched Twitter about it. Pretty interesting and very sad. http://www.newsweek.com/august-ames-death-porn-star-740979
  18. What if they go 4-0!! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  19. I absolutely wanna see Peterman again this Sunday. Even if Tyrod starts, I still think we'll see Peterman again this year. Wouldn't even be surprised if Tyrod is terrible this week or next week against miami. 2 games that should absolutely be a win
  20. I feel like the rams have a ton of weapons on offense and have a qb who's not afraid to throw it. If Goff was a bill I suspect he wouldn't be nearly as good as what he's been this year
  21. Colts have a plan for Tyrod. Translation : if we make him have to throw we can win fairly easy
  22. First nfl game? Bills vs steelers 2004. Turned out great.....
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