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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. I agree he wants Peterman to play, but how is he gonna swing that this week? Taylor should be good to play this Sunday
  2. I think McDermott doesnt want to make the playoffs. He secretly hates that we won yesterday
  3. We had some major things go our way in the end of that game. Starting with the 2 point conversion that got called back and sent the Colts back another 10 yards. I don't know about you guys, but I don't think we would've drove the field and scored with a minute left if the Colts didn't get that penalty Then Webb throws and interception and sets the Colts up for a field goal with 8 seconds left and vineteri misses by like a foot sending the game to overtime Then we do something ridiculous and punt on 4th and 1 for a net gain of like 15 yards. Anyways, you all know how it ended. It's nothing short of a miracle that we won this game. I can't remember any recent game in the last 10 or so years where so many things went our way and we won
  4. I'm willing to bet Orton is 50 lbs overweight at this point
  5. Start Webb? No freaking way. However he is pretty darn good with the wildcat. I said it before and I'll say it again, Taylor has reached his ceiling. He is what he is. I'm all for Peterman starting again next week vs Miami if he's out of the concussion protocol
  6. I agree, he's also got the physical build of a good linebacker. That's a vague statement, but is important when in coverage and speed etc. Think he'll be pretty darn good the more experience he gets
  7. Tyrod will probably be good to go, and I'd be surprised if Peterman was still in the protocol in a week. It was a hard hit, but he walked off the field and wasn't even staggering. Granted that's no indication, but still
  8. I actually liked Schopp's point that McDermott may not know that a tie hurts there chances and if he did know what's the thought process of punting
  9. I think he deserves a little slack in this weather.
  10. McDermott should litterally blitz on every down. They are not throwing in this
  11. This getting hard to watch... Those cameras are fogging up like crazy
  12. Looking like a 7-3 final score if the weather stays this way
  13. Wish we had the Colts last week and the Pats this week. I know the Pats are still pretty good in the snow, but still wish the games were flipped
  14. One of two things are gonna happen. 1) Peterman won't throw more than 15 times and we're gonna run ALOT due to weather conditions 2) the coaches will have Peterman throw too much and it could spell another disaster
  15. 100% my absolute favorite Christmas song
  16. The last true snow game we played in was 07 against the Browns. That was a 8-0 win by the Browns
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