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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. I had them at 10 wins prior to the Sammy trade, and then went to 6. I lost all hope after those trades. I'm pleasantly surprised, but the tram still isn't quite there yet
  2. I've been saying for years we need to bring flutie in to lead the charge and break the curse. Plus fans would love it
  3. Here's another issue. Some woman are incredibly naive. They litterally have no idea that the outfit they're wearing (even if it's completely appropriate in public) is giving the guy next to her an erection. I worked with a guy who litterally would get turned on by a chic from the most subtle thing. So Ya, a chic goes to work with a skirt and high heels and thinks nothing of it, while the guy across from her is fantasizing that she looks like the chic in the porn he watched last night. You can kinda see why these things happen. I'm not saying woman shouldn't wear heels or something, just making the point that when you overly sexualize a culture this is what happens
  4. No, he's leading the charge. Was just adding that they should retire him as a Buffalo bill also
  5. McDermott is all about the fans and their support. The bills should do the right thing and retire him as a Buffalo bill as well. Have him lead the charge and retire him as a bill at halftime. This would be the right thing
  6. I still believe all this is a result of an over sexualized culture that just continues to get worse and worse
  7. In some cases yes. You and I know the difference between fantasy and reality, but some don't. You watch enough porn and or movies/TV and some think it's reality. On top of that, smartphones and social media also add to these things. I remember in high school trying to download porn on a friend's computer (this was in the 90s with dial up internet) and you'd be lucky to get a photo of a naked chic. Now any 15 yr old kid can go on his phone and find any kind of porn or fetish his heart desires. You put that impression on young minds and yes, I can absolutely see why some men may not be able to discern reality from fantasy. Let me also add a personal story to the equation. This is just my own example, and I'm not dis crediting any accusations made by woman. When I was about 19, I worked with a chic who was super flirty. She'd rub up against you and litterally mess with you all day. She lived with her bf by the way. After a few months of working with her, for whatever reason she told her bf that I slept with her. I never once even kissed this chic or did ANYTHING with her. She ended up quitting but everyone I worked with thought I had sex with her. I never ever even tried or tried to even hang out with her outside work. This was roughly 17 years ago, but I can only imagine if that happened today.
  8. I dunno, for me I just think of it this way, you had a sexual revolution in the 60s and 70s, then released porn movies into theaters in the 80s, and now everything in media and on TV is overly sexualized. Meanwhile theirs probably 40 different websites you can stream free porn on, but the public is shocked and outraged when a sexual allegation happens. Again, Im not justifying it, but what does the public expect. It is a result of culture that we've created. On top of that, our president owns or owned the miss America pageant and is married to a very attractive woman who's posed nude for magazines.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the accusations arnt true. It was more that everyday we hear of some new allegation. And while men should not be able to do these things, it will get to a point where if a man courts a woman, even in a respectful way, it'll turn into a harassment case because she felt uncomfortable.
  10. It's going to get to a point where if you look at an attractive woman it's gonna be sexual harassment
  11. How do the Dolphins beat the Pats litterally every season?
  12. Even at the Patriots worst, they're still only down by 3
  13. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Belichick's philosophy is to let the opposing team have momentum only to put their foot in the gas and shift momentum back to them. Just seems like something the Patriots would do
  14. I disagree, Bradys o line and recievers are not what they used to be
  15. And just like that, the Patriots take the lead
  16. True, but when players go into protocol, you don't know if they're out for 3 weeks or if they'll be back the next week. I'd think him being out with other players at a loud bar/restaurant is probably a good sign that he either doesn't have a concussion, or has a very mild one
  17. Off topic, but Peterman seems to be fine. Posting on Instagram out to dinner with some other players at a loud bar/restaurant. Doubt his concussion is that bad.
  18. After seeing what the Patriots did in last years superbowl, I won't ever sleep on them. How many times have we seen this
  19. Miami's defense is good. Our line better have their stuff together
  20. Assuming this is true, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. I'd like to see Peterman in a game where there isnt 17 inches of snow.
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