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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. You're missing the point. People who go to bills games that live in rochester arnt going to see the city, they're going to support their favorite team. If you've ever had to drive home after a bills game and you live outside Buffalo, you know how much it sucks. A stadium outside downtown makes more sense and I'd love it
  2. Maybe not, but I can tell you I'd prefer that over downtown Buffalo 100% wrong. I would never ever spend a weekend in Buffalo. Building a stadium downtown might be great for people aged 18-25, but anyone over 30 who lives outside buffalo would. Much rather avoid a down town stadium. I'm speaking of people from Rochester, Erie and Toronto. Not people who live out of state.
  3. Because ALOT of fans that at are the games are not from Buffalo. I live in Rochester and anytime I've gotten food after a game or went to a bar after the game it was after we got back to Rochester. Their is not a whole lot around New era field and my guess is they want to develop some undeveloped land and make it a destination. Much like what the Patriots did with Gillette stadium
  4. Is this the final star wars? Or are the new ones a trilogy?
  5. I don't think Miami is gonna look like the team we saw Monday night, but I could see this game being an overtime game much like last year.
  6. At least Dunkirk Don has made it entertaining around here for a few days
  7. I think Hughes stays. Their has to be at least ONE guy here that has attitude. Plus Hughes is a great player
  8. Talking proud was probably fun at the time, but is awful in today's standards
  9. So why did McDermott veto the trade? Did you ever get an explanation for that
  10. I will say, having driven to medina plenty of times that there is a ton of open space between Batavia and Buffalo. This would be my guess
  11. 2026 superbowl : Batavia NY. Man that'd be wierd
  12. Everything you've said makes sense, but why now? The pegulas have said many times they're not even thinking of a new stadium. Did they change their minds, or did something make them change their minds?
  13. Let see a throw from Webb to Tyrod. That'd be fun
  14. I think Kyle wants to be on this team when we finally get to the playoffs. Hopefully this year
  15. I like the stadium being east of Buffalo. This makes sense and will free up traffic
  16. Couple things here that are interesting also. Assuming this post is accurate, McDermott must've either thought Tyrod would be terrible in this system and we wouldnt have more than 4 or 5 wins and be able to draft a qb high. Or, McDermott had faith that Tyrod had enough talent to adjust to the system and would be a good qb. I think what we've seen is somewhere in the middle. Tyrod has been good at times but horrendous at other times. In some way our current record is McDermott's worst nightmare.
  17. I enjoy the inside info. I'm not 100% thrilled about cousins. I'd almost just rather take our chances with Peterman and then if necessary, draft a qb in 2019
  18. They would never build the stadium close to Fredonia, they'd lose their second biggest market, which is rochester. With traffic it's a 2 hr drive from Rochester, add another hr to that drive and their is no way most fans from the Roc are driving that far
  19. I remember back in like 2005 the Dolphins played new England on Monday night and beat them. At the time the Dolphins had like 2 wins and were terrible. For some reason the Patriots are just terrible against them
  20. Taylor will start rest of season? Mularky! If we get eliminated from the playoffs, they will not start Taylor. And even if that is true, why would they be so dead set on it right now? My guess would be because they'd be shopping Taylor, and the more other teams see him the better. That's the only reason I can see why they'd stick with him.
  21. I would say it depends on who's available. I have no interest in cousins. However if luck was available and fully healthy, I would consider that.
  22. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Beth mowins has called Syracuse basketball games and she's super annoying. If it's the same chic Edit : I was wrong it was Doris Burke, but just as annoying
  23. To be honest, the game was actually pretty boring up until the end of the 4th quarter and overtime. It was definitely fun to see a game in those conditions, but you have to admit it was pretty slow through 4 quarters
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