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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. French bulldogs? They're great dogs. Where is that coming from lol? Again, I go to my previous statement about researching a breed before buying it.
  2. I have a good feeling about tommorow. I know the bills have a tall task in front of them but I feel we somehow pull the upset. Then we have to go face Miami, which SHOULD be a win. Watching this was painful. I remember like it was yesterday
  3. OK lol. Well I believe they're called that because of the coloring. But regardless, that wasn't the point.
  4. This is what I was talking about when researching a breed prior to owning it. I've known people who bought huskys because the love the breed, but had no idea how much exercise these dogs require daily. Someone in my family purchased a mini Doberman and they did everything wrong you can do with a dog. The dog became super aggressive and would attack the kids and draw blood. This dog weighed 5 lbs. They ended up having to put the dog down, but the sad part is it was completely avoidable. They unintentionally turned their dog into a 5lb monster
  5. Here's why these kind of stories happen and why pits get a bad rap. First, go to any shelter across America and you will find that 90% of the dogs are pit bulls. Then ask on top of the adoptable pit bulls they have, how many are euthanized on a weekly basis. The problem with pits isn't that they're bad dogs, they're actually great. The problem is douche bag owners who think they can breed them and make a profit. What happens is you get "backyard" breeding and you get bad temperaments and bad genes. This cycle is endless. Then, some of these dogs that have no pedigree and were bred improperly end up in homes and these incidents occur. I've previously owned 2 pit bulls and they were sweet dogs. Awesome with kids. They are very very strong and anyone who owns them also needs to know HOW to own them and be responsible. About 10 years ago I did dog training professionally and we used to have classes for reactive(aggressive) dogs. Occasionally you would see pit bulls in the class, but more often than not, you had every different breed you can think of. Many of these dogs came from horrible back grounds like puppy mills and abusive owners. Some went to classes multiple times and had tons and tons of training and still would attack their owners or other people. Sadly some were put down. In my experience as a trainer, 99.9% of a dog's aggressive nature steamed from idiotic owners. People get a dog based on how it looks, they do no research into the breed and what being a responsible owner of a particular breed means.
  6. I love the Saturday games, but know they'd never do it because of college football
  7. So the strengths and weaknesses of darn old fall in line with what we have in Taylor right now. Sounds right. Bills will draft a guy who is a slight downgrade from Taylor.
  8. Gronk hit was dirty, but even as a bills fan I don't even care about it anymore. If gronk took him out the rest of the season z then I'd probably still be mad, but holy crap media, get over it
  9. I agree with you. I enjoy the tailgating aspect myself, and have drank alot at bills games. Never would do something so idiotic and stupid though
  10. I remember making this arguments a few years ago and I still think it's true. I believe alot of "fans" don't go to games because of the game itself. I know alot of people who go to games every year that couldn't even tell you what the bills record is. It's an all day party for people and that is more fun than the game itself. I think alot of people that go to the games couldn't care less about the outcome of the game. The bills could open the lots later, that may help a bit, but would make alot of people angry
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