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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. The season might come to an end this Sunday, but this week has by far been the best of the entire drought, followed closely by the week after we beat the Patriots in 2011
  2. I hope the bills fans going do not make complete fools of themselves. I don't think they will being that they spent alot of money to go to this game. Still, alcohol can do crazy things
  3. I wonder how much is gaurenteed? They couldn't have possibly gaurenteed him all that right?
  4. Hope it's true. Hope Murphy gets some carries too. Looked really good last week.
  5. Do refs have causes and foundations? Thinking we should start donating now
  6. Gruden was a small step up from Collins worth, but both I can barely tolerate listening to. Romo would be great
  7. Imo the bills need to pull out every gadget they have. You got in the playoffs finally, here's your shot. Catch the jags while they sleep
  8. And ironically, bills fans probably won't be nearly as upset as a regular season game
  9. These articles annoy me. This is the type of crap that gives new England the motivation to win super bowls
  10. Seeing how good he's been in San Fran I dont blame him for wanting to keep him. Looks like he could've kept the Patriots dynasty going well past Brady.
  11. Boyd's cause over 52 thousand also. Awesome job bills fans.
  12. Unless shady broke his leg, no way they're gonna make a decision on him today
  13. Is there some huge payout if one of them is responsible for the dynasty or something? This is seriously what they care about
  14. They probably hate the national attention we've received and the fact that bills fans have bought so many tickets for this game. I could be completely wrong, but their seems to be a electricity in the air here, where I don't get that feeling in Jacksonville
  15. I remember after he signed with the jets after being cut by the bills, a story came out that he had lost his son or daughter(can't remember which). It was pretty heartbreaking. I'm 99.9% positive it happened while he was with the bills but it never came out
  16. For me the payoff would be to see the good it's done for those people. No need to thank me personally. Just show the difference it made
  17. Awesome video from Sunday that nfl films just posted on Twitter
  18. Boyd's foundation up to 42k. Noticed the goal got changed to 50 thousand now
  19. Thinking donations slowed down to Daltons fund because of Boyd's. Either way, awesome for both charity's
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