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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. I'm sure someone already said it, but glad he was able to get to the playoffs with the bills before his career ended
  2. It's 100% NOT incognito as he just posted a pic of himself on Instagram with his pro bowl jersey on
  3. True, but he is doing the Freddy Jackson roast. I guess he could fly in for it
  4. Ok so here's how I see it. Has to be someone who is not in Buffalo currently (which is probably most bills players). Wood I believe is still in Buffalo It has to be Tyrod.
  5. I don't wish injury for any player, but if it is wood, that actually makes feel better than if it was Benjamin. Benjamin can still be a beast in the NFL, while wood is ageing and probably nearing retirement anyway. Sucks either way
  6. I cannot think of any offensive player the bills have that would dramatically change next season. Even Mccoy, running backs are a dime a dozen. I get he is our offense , but the bills are gonna get a qb this year.
  7. Probably the PLAYER holding the press conference, not the bills
  8. But still, a press conference? Seems totally unnecessary for that
  9. Do you think Tyrod could've attempted suicide but was unseccesful? Not even making a joke here, just seems like an awful lot of hype for an "injury"
  10. I'm still baffled as to why, no matter how bad an injury/accident, they'd hold a press conference
  11. Whoever it is, I'd be shocked if it wasn't leaked before Monday
  12. Only reason I could think is if it were either life threatening or life changing, like a Kevin Everett type injury
  13. How can people chalk Peterman up to being bad already? He played one half of football. You cannot base ANY quarterback on a half of a football game. Remeber when we beat the Patriots back in 2011? Brady threw 4 interceptions in that game. FOUR. a guy who had 11 years experience, superbowl wins, and multiple playoff berths. My point is, you cannot base one game on a person's talent/longevity
  14. I was just making the point that he has all the tangibles of an NFL starter. Get some good recievers and a little better line play, and I think he can be very successful. Yes he was horrific against the Chargers, but so was the o line. AGAIN, I'm not against getting or drafting a qb, but I'm also comfortable letting Peterman start IF thats the way it works out
  15. A limited skill set? How so? He was the most nfl ready qb in last years draft according to experts. Again, I'm all for drafting a qb this year, but their is a lot of teams who need a qb and the bills may not be able to land their guy, and I'm 100% against just drafting any guy to play qb (ie Ej Manuel)
  16. You seem to forget his recievers were not helping him at all. He hit recievers hands and they were dropping passes. Also when the bills got down to the goal line with Peterman, they threw 3 fade passes. I assume Dennison made those calls. Look I'm not saying hes the answer at qb. BUT, if we had to go into the 2018 season with him as our starter I'd be OK with that (for now). A full off season and camp as the starter, plus a full year under his belt already, I think he would have a chance to be really good. I am all for drafting a qb, and drafting one high if we can trade up, but even if we get Mayfield, there's no gaurentee he's the future. He could be an absolute bust.
  17. Exactly. Plus, Peterman fell to the 5th round. In some mock drafts he was a 3rd rounder. Yes, he may be a career backup and never have that "it" factor, but he may also be a good bridge if the bills cannot draft a qb high, or get a starting qb in free agency. People also seem to forget that he played very well in pre season, the saints game and also the first Patriots game when Tyrod got injured. I'll even put the Colts game in there as he threw some nice passes in putrid weather. He got thrown to the wolves to some degree getting his first stat in a game that was on the other side of the country, and against 2 outstanding pass rushers. Again, he may not be anything more than a backup, but neither is Tyrod You mean Mccoy led 2 top 10 scoring offenses? Tyrod was maybe 20% of that scoring
  18. It is incredible how much nfl teams overthink certain things. I think analytics has a benefit though
  19. Serious question. Of all the qbs that are drafted in any given year, how many of those are truly successful in their rookie year? Don't misunderstand the question. Maybe 1 out of them all? So yes, Peterman in 2018 may be a good answer while a rookie qb sits and prepares
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