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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. I'm not happy a person died, but I do hope this slows down the autonomous driving cars thing.
  2. Oh lol sorry man, i didn't see it
  3. Good point, but still, zay has been a pretty high character kid
  4. Anyone think he could've possibly had something slipped in his drink?
  5. This is the first I've seen this and I'm shocked. He is litterally the last person on the bills I'd expect to be arrested
  6. Well at least this rumor will calm fans down a bit
  7. Depending if the bills move up round 1, I could see the bills taking 2 wide recievers like we did with woods and Goodwin in 2013
  8. I think alot of the reason some of these guys wernt good was a product of their environment. Ej Manuel was never a franchise qb. However, guys like weeden actually played well for a while, but look who he's played for. Typically high drafted qbs go to the worst teams. It'll be interesting to see whoever the bills pick and how they play. The bills arnt a bad team. They won 9 games and have a solid o-line.
  9. Gotta hand it to those UMBC kids, they played hard and battled the whole game.
  10. Anyone NOT routing for UMBC? Team seriously looks way better than a 16 seed. That short dude( dont know his name) is speedy
  11. Win or lose, cuse is playing their balls off
  12. It's kinda sad that I'm a bit more excited to watch UMBC tonight more than Syracuse
  13. Difference between 2004 and now is we had an established starter (drew bledsoe). Right now we don't know who's gonna start at qb opening day. Also I'll take 2018 front office over the 2004 front office any day. I'm not nearly as worried about this as alot of people here are.
  14. Keep playing the game beane, keep playing the game....
  15. I'm actually expecting a loss tomorrow. I was realistically expecting a loss last night, but Syracuse played much better than they did Wednesday. If by some miracle they win, it'd be pretty impressive for a team that has looked absolutely horrendous at times
  16. I'm not worried about it. Worst case scenario we don't get a qb in the top 5 this year, I still feel like McCarron is gonna beat out any qb we could draft this year. I still think the bills will do whatever they can to move up, but at the end of the day, I think McCarron is our starting qb this season.
  17. For all we know, the bills already have a tentative deal in place with the Browns or giants. Maybe they made a deal and are keeping it quiet for particular reasons (like someone's draft stock goes way up and the giants ask for another one of the bills picks, who knows). It's interesting that it was the jets who moved up also. Maybe they know something regarding the giants pick or Browns pick? Who knows.
  18. How awesome would it be if later today the bills make a deal to trade up to #2 lol. Take that jets. Ya hopefully it happens
  19. Holy crap Virginia about to lose to a 16 seed! Me too
  20. No clue. I wonder what's happening at the other end
  21. Completely off topic, but going along the lines of your first point. I watched the press conferences with Tyrod in Cleveland. As glad as i am that we've moved on from Tyrod, it was strange to watch him with another team. Still feels like he's a bill in some way. Anyway, the bills have to pick the qb they feel is gonna be the answer for years to come, whether that's the 4th overall pick or pick 22. Whatever they do, just don't settle on getting any qb. Make sure you know this guy can compete for a championship
  22. Syracuse needs to play ALOT better than they did the other night if they want any chance to win this game.
  23. Did you talk to someone in another country or someone who speaks proper English? I've found if you can get connected to their English speaking people they are much more generous
  24. As a Syracuse fan that watched this game last night, Buffalo looks like they'd destroy cuse right now. Definitely routing for the bulls as well as cuse.
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